Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
A Unique Perspective on Isaiah’s Gratitude–for Your Thanksgiving Joy
Of course, we are gearing up for Thanksgiving and reminded again how important giving thanks is. Gratitude brings joy, contentment, kindness, responding in love, and so many other wonderful things.
Kathy Collard Miller,
Even Kings Die
“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.” …
Russ Sharrock,
God's Antidote to Worry
Wouldn’t it be great if we could just pick up the phone and talk to God? In a sense, we can. We can talk to Him through prayer.
Greg Laurie,
Worship in War - Spark of His Glory
Life is a fight. Life is a constant fight. Sometimes, it is a fight to get up each morning and make the day count. It is a fight to keep our families safe. It
Afolabi O J,
Forgiveness Is Not about Me
Once your eyes are opened to this beauty, you will never want to turn away.
Revive Our Hearts,
The Unmistakable Voice of the Lord
This series was first published in January 2019. -ed. There’s nothing subtle about alarms. All potential distractions melt into oblivion when a blaring siren commands our focus. By design, they drown out all other noises and demand our attention. In the same way, when the apostle John heard the voice of the glorified Christ on
John MacArthur,
Why parables? Jesus’ answer
In the previous post, I suggested two reasons Jesus used parables instead of plain talk. (a) He was inspiring imagination for how life could be. (b) He was announcing his kingship, without making t…
Allen Browne,
God's Purpose and Pleasure in Your Sanctification
This post was originally published in July 2014.–ed. InPhilippians 2:12-13, the apostle Paul highlights the paradoxical nature of sanctification—that it sits at the crossroads between man’s responsibility and God’s empowering. So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out
John MacArthur,
7 ways to obtain mercy - Raising Zion
Psalms 36:5 – Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; Psalms 57:10 – For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, Psalms 108:4 – For thy mercy is great above the heavens: Dear beloved child of God, you need mercy to go in the heavens, unto the heavens and above the heavens. Just as […]
Nehemiah Zion,
When God called Isaiah (Isaiah 6)
Isaiah 6 is a great intro on how to read the Prophets. God explains what a prophet is and what a prophet does.
Allen Browne,

Group of Brands