Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What Does Your Life Smell Like?
Ever heard a piece of music and wondered, “Where have I heard that before?” You might also look at something and say, “I think I’ve seen this before.” A dusty memory is stirred. It’s different with…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Who is Jesus? (Part 5) - Damon J. Gray
This week, in our look at the seven “I AMs” of Jesus in John’s gospel, we see one of my favorites. Thus far, Jesus has said he is the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate to the sheepfold, and the good shepherd. This week, Jesus is the resurrection and the life!…
Damon J. Gray,
Learning how to talk to God (Especially for those who are afraid)
Prayer. Talking to God. We make these things into big and scary events in our lives. Most people struggle with praying. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn how to talk to God in this practical post about prayer.
Susan Mcilmoil,

Group of Brands