Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Love, that Neighbor as Your Self Thing…
Excerpt from my book Love a 40 Day Biblical Approach to Love Part I Leviticus 19:18 …but you shall love your neighbor as yourself… Whoa, I don’t like the sound of this verse. You mean love M…
Frank Walker,
Love, A Basic Need…
Excerpt from my book Love A 40 Day Biblical Approach to Love Leviticus 19:18 …But you shall love your neighbor as yourself. A huge part of this love business is self-less love. We humans fro…
Frank Walker,
Love, that Neighbor as Your Self Thing…
Excerpt from my book Love a 40 Day Biblical Approach to Love Part I Leviticus 19:18 …but you shall love your neighbor as yourself… Whoa, I don’t like the sound of this verse. You mean love M…
Frank Walker,
Love, A Basic Need…
Excerpt from my book Love A 40 Day Biblical Approach to Love Leviticus 19:18 …But you shall love your neighbor as yourself. A huge part of this love business is self-less love. We humans fro…
Frank Walker,
Is the Controversy over "Social Justice" Really Necessary?
I do not relish controversy, and I particularly dislike engaging in polemical battles with other evangelical Christians. But as my previous posts in this series demonstrate, when the gospel is under attack from within the visible church, such controversy is necessary. And if it seems fierce disagreements within the church have been the rule rather
John MacArthur,
In which Scripture is a Mountain, Not a Plateau, but It is All Treasure | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
The Greek Sculpture The Spear Bearer and Michelangelo’s David I read Scripture as a mountain with the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament building up to the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospels. Acts and the letters of Jesus’s disciples then grapple with the seismic, big bang revelation of Jesus Christ. And so our […]
Anita Mathias,
COVID-19 Food (& Toilet Paper) for Thought - Little Mama of Faith
We are all trying to understand and deal with the Coronavirus in our own ways, day by day, hour by hour. May we not pass judgment on others who prepare and equip themselves in ways we don’t understand because they differ from ours. May we now more than ever love our neighbors as ourselves and show empathy, patience and kindness.
Terri Kirby,
Who is My Neighbor? | Luke 10:25–37
Welcome to Real Life. The other day, I found myself living a parable. Helping a person will not necessarily change the world, but it will c…
Peggi Tustan,
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Love and Do what you Like
St Augustine, in his homily on the First Epistle of John, remarked, “Love – and do what you like.”[1] St. Augustine’s tenet expresses the theme of today’s readings. Love is the very core of C…
Joseph Echano,
How Not to Love Your Neighbor - Amy Lively
After a twenty year hiatus, I returned to Jesus wholeheartedly. After two decades walking without Him, I was all into The Greatest Commandment.
Amy Lively,

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