Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Do You Study the Word or Obey it? - Growing Through God's Word
Do You Study the Word or Obey it? by Janis Cox. Looking at the Word of God and reading Oswald Chambers brings Janis the answer she searches for.
Janis Cox,
Jehovah Adonai: Our Lord, our Ruler
An image of a holy man. (Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels)We often hear the words Jehovah Adonai separately or together. But we're looking at two distinct but intertwined divine titles, Jehovah Adonai. They're more than just a name. Together, they weave an awe-inspiring tapestry for the people diverging into...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Through the Eyes of a Child
His parents recognized his potential from childhood. Teachers delighted in him: the perfect student, quiet, attentive, and bright. He soaked up the words of encouragement and praise then read more and studied harder. It was logical: Everyone knew he would succeed, so he did.He became a teacher; not just any teacher, but a college professor; not just any professor, but the youngest one to earn tenure at the best college in the country. His mentors told him how proud they were of his accomplishmen
Lynda Schultz,
Through the Eyes of a Child
His parents recognized his potential from childhood. Teachers delighted in him: the perfect student, quiet, attentive, and bright. He soaked up the words of encouragement and praise then read more and studied harder. It was logical: Everyone knew he would succeed, so he did.He became a teacher; not just any teacher, but a college professor; not just any professor, but the youngest one to earn tenure at the best college in the country. His mentors told him how proud they were of his accomplishmen
Lynda Schultz,
Hardened by unbelief or childlike in faith?
With over 7.4 billion people on this planet right now, God knows exactly what is in the hearts and minds of all. Even more amazing is that He can hear and speak to all of us at the same time. …
Gina Williamson,
Be children in mischief, adults in righteousness
By Elizabeth Prata Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. (1 Corinthians 14:20) Childlishly enthused with his new toy,Opie killed the mam…
Elizabeth Prata,
Varför dolde Jesus budskapet om sina liknelser för fariséerna?
Lukas 8: 10 Han svarade: “Ni har fått nåden att förstå Guds rikes hemligheter, men de andra får dem i liknelser, för att de skall se och ändå inte se och höra och ändå inte förstå. Läser man…
Annika Björk,
Be children in mischief, adults in righteousness
By Elizabeth Prata Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. (1 Corinthians 14:20) Childlishly enthused with his new toy,Opie killed the mam…
Elizabeth Prata,
Andy, Rudolf, and Marcion
Plenty has already been written about Andy Stanley’s recent comments about “unhitching” the Hebrew Scriptures from Christianity (this one is especially good), so I am actually a little reluctant to pile on. However, as this issue of what to do with the Hebrew Scriptures looms so large, I feel like it warrants some additional thoughts. In sum, Andy Stanley wants to make sure we as a church place no unnecessary burden on those we would see come to faith in Christ Jesus. One obstacle he sees is …
Cole Feix,
The Prayers of Jesus
Today on Turning Mountains into Molehills’ devotional, we explores all the ways Jesus used prayers during His ministry.
Yvonne M. Morgan,

Group of Brands