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A Recovering "Nice" Minnesotan - Divorce Minister
Hi, my name is David, and I am a recovering “nice” Minnesotan. “Nice” Minnesotans are notorious about not saying what we think or sharing how we feel directly. That does not mean it never comes out. It just usually comes out passive aggressively, dontcha know 😉 While I love how neighborly my fellow Minnesotans can be, this … Continue reading “A Recovering “Nice” Minnesotan”
David Derksen,
Faith & Persistence
Let me just say I have one of the most loving and caring husbands on the planet. He spoils me rotten. As I began to write my second book he blessed me by sending me to a little fishing cabin out on a...
Donna Sparks,
Faith & Persistence
Let me just say I have one of the most loving and caring husbands on the planet. He spoils me rotten. As I began to write my second book he blessed me by sending me to a little fishing cabin out on a...
Donna Sparks,
Ask For Help Now And Success Will Be Your Portion In Life
Some of us really need to wake up to embrace our human nature. Life is not so easy. Ask for help when things are getting though
Anthony Eshun,
Need=Seed=Feed for All You Need — (Luke 18:41-43) - Booty and Treasures fer All!
As the Son whar on his way up ter Jericho a feller called out fer healing. In reply the Son shouted back, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Luke 18:41-43) Once the chap hollered his bold request, the Son replied, “Receive what you have asked for. Your faith has healed you.” Immediately […]
Eddie Jones,
What Are You Asking God For? — Vaneetha Risner
The fear of unanswered prayers and unwanted “no’s” keep us from turning to God with specific requests. So what are you asking God for?
Vaneetha Risner,
If you’re anything like me, you hate waiting. Impatience is a virtue, but not a good one. It’s true of waiting on God, too. We want our prayers answered pronto. We want God to speak to us, guide us, counsel us immediately. Yet, we know it rarely works like that. We often have to wait. And sometimes a long, long time. In those times of waiting, it’s tempting to rush ahead, to “make it happen,” ourselves. We speak, act, or move in our own strength, power and reasoning, while still thinking we’re s
Denise Kohlmeyer,
Does God Change His Mind When We Pray? — Erica Barthalow
If you’re feeling frustrated and discouraged because it seems like God isn’t answering your prayers, try praying for him to mold your heart to desire what he desires. And perhaps spend a little time in repentance and confession. You’ll find it so cleansing and freeing. He will answer those prayers every time!
Erica Barthalow,
30 Days of Prayer: Pray for Understanding (Day 2) - Be Whole, Mom
Have you ever felt a little lost in your walk with the Lord, like you weren’t really sure where you were going any longer? Or maybe you kept having these little ideas niggling at you, pinging your soul that something is missing or is not quite right? If so, this day is ALL for you! … Read More about 30 Days of Prayer: Pray for Understanding (Day 2)
Julie Ann Filter,
The Power of Fasting and Prayers – 6 Surprising Discoveries — Daniel Fast Journey
Fasting is a spiritual practice that is thousands of years old and deeply rooted in the Christian faith. Committing time to fasting and prayers is an act of obedience, and transforms you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Stephanie C Hodges,

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