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Working For Yourself = Working For Others - Grit & Grace
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4 My journey as a writer has taken many twists and turns over the years. This most recent phase has included quite a few opportunities to experience something totally new: contributing writing projects towards someone else’s publication. Although writing for others may have slowed down the launch of my own site by a few months, it has provided (and I’m sure will continue to provide) so many opportunities for growth and learning. Feedback from editors has been a key component to that growth. Having deadlines has been incredibly helpful too. Viewing my writing from someone else’s perspective has helped to expand my goals. These opportunities have reminded me that keeping others in mind should be a cornerstone in any work we do for ourselves. We can be so self-consumed in our daily lives, can’t we? Our goals, our priorities, and our to-do list take center stage. Yes, I must place the oxygen mask over my own face before I try to help others breathe. That’s a rule during flight emergencies that is very valid for daily life too. I get that. I can’t keep that oxygen mask on my face forever, though. I must take it off to help others. I must take the focus off of myself to help others; to work as a team and ensure someone else’s success. The work for Miami Moms Blog and others has been a highlight of my writing the past few months. You could say it’s been a breath of fresh air for this writer – #punintended . I’ll be sharing links to those in this space from time to time. It seems only fitting that I share last month’s intro post from Miami Moms Blog. My first time contributing on someone else’s site. Click on the photo below and you’ll be taken to it. Here’s to the unexpected gifts looking to the interests of others can bring!
Rebecca C. Gonzalez,
The Unsung Hero Could Be You
It’s not all about me. Many times the most important thing I can do — the most Christ-honoring thing I can do—is stay in the background and support someone else. When you sat through American…
Lynn H. Pryor,
What Humility Looks Like in a Leader
The recent passing of former first lady Barbara Bush brought back a memory of my one experience with this wonderful woman. It began in 1989. As we traveled home from a youth mission trip, members o…
Lynn H. Pryor,
A Lesson from the Squirt Gun Riot of 1858
We can fight over the silliest things. At the beginning of our marriage, Mary and I disagreed over peanut butter. She wanted crunchy; I insisted on smooth. We compromised. So for the last 38 years,…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Celebrating National Sibling Day (without getting sappy)
Tuesday’s coming. Yes, that’s right. April 10 is National Sibling Day. Sisters will send each other sentimental, heart-felt, emotion-filled greetings. Brothers will slug each other. Guy…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Gratitude Coupled with Humble Service Multiples Happiness - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Good days pleasantly surprise the humble. Even on a difficult day, their hearts overflow with gratitude.
Randy Alcorn,
Changing the World Through Humility
I know Presidents Day was last month, but I’d like to give a shout out to a president who has become one of my favorites in recent months. Happy birthday, James Madison (March 16, 1751). I didn’t s…
Lynn H. Pryor,
When Hospitality Requires a Few “Extra” Steps
A simple and spectacular reason to go the extra mile.
Revive Our Hearts,
BRAIN INJURY 101: Clash of the Titans •
You’ve been quarantined for two plus weeks due to the virus, yet we have another +/- 4 weeks to endure as we look to the end of the month. Tensions are running high, you are nose-to-nose and one or the other is getting on the other’s nerves. Sound familiar?
Pam DePuydt,
Dealing with a competitive work environment
In the bustling corporate world, you may find yourself navigating the choppy waters of a highly competitive work environment. As you earnestly strive to flourish in your career, the competitive atmosphere might morph into a formidable challenge. This, instead of being a fertile ground for honing your skills, might become...
Hannah Britanico,

Group of Brands