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Why Dr. Ben Carson is Wrong for Defending Donald Trump's 'Locker Room Talk'... - After the Altar Call
Christian doctor Ben Carson believes that Donald Trump’s ‘locker room talk’ should not be judged, but the Bible says otherwise…
Jacqueline J. Holness,
29 Lessons Before Turning 30 – Luluspov
I’m a firm believer that everything I go through, Every milestone I achieve has lessons for me to learn from.
Futhi Sono,
How can I control what words from my mouth?
Our mouth is mighty. It has the power to kill and give life to others. Sometimes we have good intentions, but the way we put them into words makes them harmful to us and hurtful to others. The majority of women suffer from not having control over their mouths. It...
Jepryll Torremoro,
Before Your Press Send - Sharon Jaynes
You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube, and you can’t take back words once spoken or sent.
Sharon Jaynes,
What are the “Benefits” of Gossip?
I will not tell a lie, for one fleeting instant I was elated. For an inquisitive person such as myself this story was without question the best news ever. All of my dreams had finally come true, I …
Lisa Price,
What are the “Benefits” of Gossip?
I will not tell a lie, for one fleeting instant I was elated. For an inquisitive person such as myself this story was without question the best news ever. All of my dreams had finally come true, I …
Lisa Price,
Day 54: Wasted Words (Bible Tribe Job 15–16) - Denise Pass
Words fly off the tongue faster than we can hold them back sometimes. We will be accountable for each one humbles me to want to speak wisely.
Denise Pass,
Simply Yes or No: What Does Matthew 5:37 Mean?
What does Matthew 5:37 mean? To simply say “Yes” or “No” means our word should be gold. We say what we mean and stick by it. No loopholes.
Abigail Wallace,
How to Get Along with Difficult People and 7 Biblical Ways to Love Them
Difficult people are part of life. But when we learn how to get along with difficult people and trust God with the outcome we grow closer to Christ and to others.
Mary Armand,
What Does the Bible Say About Gossip? 9 Inspiring Verses to Handle Gossip Biblically
When studying, what does the Bible say about gossip, we learn that the tongue has the power to give life or give pain. Gossip is hurtful and interferes with spiritual growth and thriving relationships.
Mary Armand,

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