Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
BW#139 Vote Your Faith, part 1 - Denise Pass
Vote your faith, friends. Look at actions (legislation) more than the words. We do not have a perfect leader, but there is a righteous choice before us.
Denise Pass,
BW#40 David Barton – The Foundation of our Nation, part 1 - Denise Pass
The foundation of our nation will crumble from within if our people do not help restore our foundation together. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to consider how we might individually help. The problems seem too big. We have believed that real change has to happen at the national level. Listen in as Denise Pass interviews David Barton, Founder of the Wallbuilders, LLC, who sheds some light on how individuals can change the course of our nation . . . right where we are.
Denise Pass,

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