Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Christmas Count"up" Day 15 - Worshipful Wednesday: VIP Status - Denise Pass
Psalm 138:6 “Though the LORD is exalted, he takes note of the lowly, and recognizes the proud from far away.” Psalm 140:12 “I know the LORD defends the cause of the oppressed and vindicates the poor.” Psalm 143:3 “O LORD, of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them? Of what importance […]
Denise Pass,
Great is the Lord
What can we really know about God? The study of God and his attributes is properly called “theology,” but it is not the same study as in a science classroom. The subject of our study is a person different from us in ways unimaginable. He doesn’t present himself as an object to be studied but as a Lord to be worshiped. We learn of him not through examination but rather through revelation and reflection. It can be intimidating to open up a Bible and not know where to begin, but the table of con...
Cole Feix,
Do Not Fear Change
We all have changes in our lives. From one day to the next we need God to help us get through whatever may come our way. Some days w…
Russ Sharrock,
God is Good
God is the one we can call our heavenly Father and He gives us good gifts.
Tanja Tuovinen,
The God Who Saves
Why is it that God’s greatest love isn’t bestowed on the faithful angels, who never fell and who steadfastly throughout all time have been loyal to love and worship the God who made them? Why would God love wretched sinners and pay the ultimate price to demonstrate that great love? Frankly, the full answer to
John MacArthur,
Can an Unchanging God Be Compassionate?
This post was first published on July 27, 2016, and originally appeared as a part of a blog series titled “Compassion.” –ed. The God of Scripture is the one true constant in all the universe: “I, the Lord, do not change” (Malachi 3:6). His nature and His thoughts are as immutable as His eternal plans.
John MacArthur,
A Plain Theology of God pt. 2
Charles Octavius Boothe wrote A Plain Theology For Plain People to help them understand the deep and rich doctrines of Scripture. Here are his teachings on the doctrine of God.
Chrys Jones,
Checklist of God’s Promise to You in This Brave Life - Bravester
Brave faith is big but also vulnerable, involves risk. Big faith is centered on God who is for us. Here is a list of this complete with Bible verses.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,

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