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Bible in 365 Days – Day 128
Focus Chapters: Psalms 22-26 Standout Verse(s): Psalms 23:1 NLT The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. Observation (s): The Lord supplies all that David needed. The Lord is …
Chanel Robe,
What Keeps You From Jumping?
As God has invited me leap off cliffs into the great unknown with Him the past three years, I find my once confident self a bit apprehensive at times. As He invites me to follow Him into new territory in which I feel like I could easily fail, fall flat on my face, and look
Lisa Brockman,
Of the Shepherd and His Sheep
I love Psalm 23; so much so that I have it memorized in the language of my childhood with the Yea, Thou art, and more. But when I want to think about this Psalm, I open my more modern English Bible and read the printed, written word. I always make myself read it more than once, savoring the familiar
Dvora Elisheva,
When You'd Rather Skip Christmas This Year - Today Can Be Different
As I pray, I will trust that our compassionate, sympathetic and ever-present Shepherd will help you make it through each day. That you’ll experience God’s compassion as He provides for all your needs. I will also pray that your heavenly Father will continue to guide you with the wisdom needed each and every day.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
Podcast: Praying the Psalms
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. In Christ, our entire lives are transformed and that includes our emotions, passions, and desires. Praying the Psalms is one of the best ways to grow in our faith. In this episode, we discuss different reasons to pray the Psalms and ways to get started. The Psalm express the language of our hearts and help us understand how the Bible presses into our suffering. This book disciples our emotions (Example of David in Psalm 51). A st…
Cole Feix,
When You'd Rather Skip Christmas This Year - Today Can Be Different
As I pray, I will trust that our compassionate, sympathetic and ever-present Shepherd will help you make it through each day. That you’ll experience God’s compassion as He provides for all your needs. I will also pray that your heavenly Father will continue to guide you with the wisdom needed each and every day.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
Psalm 23: Prayers
Psalm 23vs. 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. I banish poverty from my generation in Jesus name. I arrest the spirit of poverty in Jesus name. App Subscribe FB Podcasts …
Babatope Babalobi,
Creative And Effective Ways To Study The Bible And Pray: Part 1 – Breath Prayer
Let the words from the book of the law be always on your lips. Meditate on them day and night so that you may be careful to live by all that is written in it. If you do, as you make your way through this world, you will prosper and...
Tai East,
Why does God compare us with sheep?
This idea is not just a fancy way of saying things; it's a deep thought that goes all the way back to the first parts of the Bible and continues in the stories about Jesus. Why are we compared to sheep? This blog will dig into that question and look...
Jepryll Torremoro,
There is Rest in an Offering of Thanksgiving
Perfect rest comes from His perfect grace. Perfect grace comes from a perfect God. And today I thank Him for that grace. And all the marvelous attributes and actions in this Psalm In so doing, I come to understand that rest is not something that I do, but something to believe.
Lauren Sparks,

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