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First Friday Prayers: Prayer for the Caregiver
Caregiving can be rewarding, exhausting, and heartbreaking. I can’t think of a better prayer to offer today than a prayer for the caregiver.
Lauren Sparks,
Changing Seasons — Erica Barthalow
Outside my window trees are tossing down their crimson, golden and blaze orange leaves, unfurling a vibrant welcome mat for the changing season. The newly cool autumn breeze brings along a sense of change. Do you feel it? Not just a shift in the weather, but a shift in the season. I don’t know
Erica Barthalow,
Lust for Life! — The Spacious Place
We aren't here to just survive this life, although sometimes it can certainly feel like it. We were created for joy, for passion, for love. Live your adventure!
Shay S. Mason,
What It Means to Look upon God’s Goodness (an Update on Nanci) - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
To “look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” does not mean all of us will live as long as we want.
Randy Alcorn,
I Would Have Lost Heart Unless I had Believed. Hope in times of despair.
It’s so easy to lose heart and to lose hope! What do we do on those days when we want to give up and toss in the towel? Here’s a word of hope for those days when you would like to quit. Learn the truth of this scripture, “I Would Have Lost Heart Unless I had Believed…”
Susan Mcilmoil,
The Courage to Forgive Leadership
You have every right to be upset...
Phillipa Williams,
The Benefit of Waiting
Do you stare at the timer on the microwave while it’s heating your burrito … or is it just me? I stare at the timer as if I’m willing the time to speed up. (It hasn’t yet.) I don’t like to wa…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Hope in the Waiting Game of Life
But there is hope in waiting; not that everything will be made perfect on this earth, but that it is achieving something of worth and is not in vain.
Denise Pass,
While You’re Waiting on God, He’s Working - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
In a time of suffering, David affirmed this: The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?… Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then...
Randy Alcorn,
A Special Invitation to Wait on God's Timing & 5 Benefits of Waiting
Learning to wait on God’s timing is difficult especially during difficult times in life. But when we learn to be patient, we see the beauty waiting on God offers.
Mary Armand,

Group of Brands