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Our Final ETJ Series of 2023 - Enjoying the Journey
The first study of God’s Redemption Timeline starts on Tuesday. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Scott Pauley,
Through His Poverty
The day of His visitation was foretold. In eternity He was not bound by any means. At the right time, the Son of God entered a world that would now limit Him. When He created this world, He knew o…
Rich Vega,
Through His Poverty
The day of His visitation was foretold. In eternity He was not bound by any means. At the right time, the Son of God entered a world that would now limit Him. When He created this world, He knew o…
Rich Vega,
The God who dies: Exploring themes of life and death, by Irene Alexander
The God who dies: Exploring themes of life and death by Irene Alexander Dr Irene Alexander wrote as Dean of Social Sciences at Christian Heritage College, where she taught subjects which focus on p…
Geoff Waugh,
The God who dies: Exploring themes of life and death, by Irene Alexander
The God who dies: Exploring themes of life and death by Irene Alexander Dr Irene Alexander wrote as Dean of Social Sciences at Christian Heritage College, where she taught subjects which focus on p…
Geoff Waugh,
The Greatest Gift Comes From the Greatest Giver - Serenity in Suffering
At Christmas we read about Jesus come to earth as the Greatest Gift. But do we acknowledge the Greatest Gift comes from the Greatest Giver?
Donna Bucher,
Jesus: O, What a Savior!
Lubec, Maine. EPrata photo I was asked recently for my testimony. Here are the thoughts of a pagan, graciously drawn to our Blessed Savior I was not saved by the Lord’s grace until I was 43 y…
Elizabeth Prata,
Not Sparing His Own Son
God loves us regardless of the cost. The cross is proof of that. Consider what God’s love for us has already cost Him: He gave His own beloved Son to die in order to accomplish our salvation. Having already paid so great a price to redeem us, He won’t allow the process to stop short
John MacArthur,
A Plain Theology of Sin and Redemption
Charles Octavius Boothe wrote A Plain Theology For Plain People to help them understand the deep and rich doctrines of Scripture. Here are his thoughts on humanity, sin, and redemption.
Chrys Jones,
God Will Provide for Himself a Lamb — House of David Ministries
We all know the story of Abraham, how he took his only son Isaac to Jerusalem and was prepared to offer him as a burnt offering to the Lord on Mount Moriah. They traveled for three days until Abraham saw the place in the distance. As he and his son carried the wood and fire for the sacrifice, Isaac
Eric M. Teitelman,

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