Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Learning How to Disagree
Arthur C. Brooks wrote a recent New York Times op-ed piece that is well worth your time to read. In his article “Our Culture of Contempt” he captured the essence of the division and fig…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Thinking About My Hometown - Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday’s sermon passage instructed us to “flee youthful passions” (2 Timothy 2:22). As we reflected on those words, we considered how even desires for a good thing can turn into harmful passions when those desires get unhitched from trust in and obedience to the Lord. Commenting on this, I said, Let me give one more
Chris Hutchison,
Christians and Conspiracies - Emmanuel Baptist Church
By now, chances are you’ve heard some conspiracy theories connected to COVID-19. Some people have proposed that the virus was intentionally developed but let loose on the world accidentally. Others say it was intentional. Some have questioned whether COVID-19 is even real. Some say the sickness is a result of 5G radiation. Some day that
Chris Hutchison,
Why did Early Christians Thrive Under Horrible Leaders?
Christians throughout history were able to live with and pray for corrupt, evil and despotic leaders. They did this in spite of any suffering they endured because they understood deep in the core of who they were that every human being on earth is ultimately answerable to God. Leadership is a stewardship. Human beings might think they are electing, appointing or hiring a leader—or an arrogant leader might imagine they have achieved their position due to their own cleverness, power or maneuvering but in reality, God—not human wisdom or control is what places people in positions of authority. This means that ultimately all human leaders whether they lead the church, the state or the family will someday be answerable to God for how they handle (or mishandle) the power and authority they have been given (Luke 12:47-48).
Lisa Price,
Why did Early Christians Thrive Under Horrible Leaders?
Christians throughout history were able to live with and pray for corrupt, evil and despotic leaders. They did this in spite of any suffering they endured because they understood deep in the core of who they were that every human being on earth is ultimately answerable to God. Leadership is a stewardship. Human beings might think they are electing, appointing or hiring a leader—or an arrogant leader might imagine they have achieved their position due to their own cleverness, power or maneuvering but in reality, God—not human wisdom or control is what places people in positions of authority. This means that ultimately all human leaders whether they lead the church, the state or the family will someday be answerable to God for how they handle (or mishandle) the power and authority they have been given (Luke 12:47-48).
Lisa Price,
How to Live in a Pagan Culture
We need the timeless truths of God’s Word to make sense of this crazy world. But Scripture not only explains what is really going on—it also fills us with hope as God works His sovereign plan to its ultimate, glorious conclusion. This blog series, first run in January 2016, is a timely reminder to that
John MacArthur,
Don’t Call It Persecution - Emmanuel Baptist Church
It’s hard to have missed it by now. James Coates, an Edmonton-area pastor of GraceLife church, has been jailed for repeatedly defying public health orders connected with the COVID-19 situation. The headlines and commentary on both sides of the surrounding debate are heated, as we could only expect. I do want to affirm my respect
Chris Hutchison,

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