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Our Mighty Fortress
Intolerance for biblical Christianity is seemingly on the rise. This shouldn’t surprise us—the Lord promised that His people would be persecuted. But it should sharpen our resolve to remain faithful and pure before a watching and increasingly hostile world. This series, first published in July 2015, is a timely reminder to that end. –ed. And
John MacArthur,
There are two things that drive me crazy
By Elizabeth Prata OK, there’s more than two but I’m talking not about life’s pet peeves, but doctrinal, theological error that seem to gall me more than others. Doctrinal error i…
Elizabeth Prata,
Perishing vs eternal life (John 3:16)
Can’t throw those bananas out? “Not perish but have eternal life.” What I thought this meant as a child was that I had to believe in Jesus if I wanted to go to heaven, not hell. But that’s not what it says. In fact, the Gospel of John never mentions...
Allen Browne,
No one has gone to heaven, visited heaven, or traveled to heaven
By Elizabeth Prata No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. (John 3:13) Barnes’ Notes has something to say about tha…
Elizabeth Prata,
Jesus and New Jerusalem: “Out of Heaven”
The Lord Jesus told us multiple times that He came down out of heaven: John 3:13, “No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man…” John 6:38,…
Don Martin,
Advent: Thirty Days of Jesus
By Elizabeth Prata Thirty Days of Jesus Christmas is coming. It’s a blessed time of year. We always think of the Savior, all the year, every day. (Philippians 4:8). But the Christmas season is a sp…
Elizabeth Prata,
Att förneka att Jesus KOMMIT I KÖTTET (blivit människa) är av antikrists ande
Om vi vägrar att tror att Jesus är JAGÄR så dör vi i våra synder Det är helt livsavgörande att vi accepterar att Jesus är den han säger att han är så detta ämne är väl värt att studera. Din själ ka…
Annika Björk,
Advent: Thirty Days of Jesus
By Elizabeth Prata Thirty Days of Jesus Christmas is coming. It’s a blessed time of year. We always think of the Savior, all the year, every day. (Philippians 4:8). But the Christmas season is a sp…
Elizabeth Prata,
Vad säger Bibeln om att BE FÖR DÖDA och att döda ber för oss?
Varför skulle döda BE och VITTNA för oss? Ingenstans i Bibeln finns det något stöd för att människor på jorden borde be för någon eller till någon som redan avlidit, och heller inte några verser dä…
Annika Björk,
Advent: Thirty Days of Jesus
By Elizabeth Prata Thirty Days of Jesus Christmas is coming. It’s a blessed time of year. We always think of the Savior, all the year, every day. (Philippians 4:8). But the Christmas season is a sp…
Elizabeth Prata,

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