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Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 9:2-8

Christ and the forgiveness of sins. After the series of miracles of healing recorded in the previous chapter, the evangelist passes to the more directly spiritual work of Christ, and the transition is marked by an incident which combines both kinds of ministry. I. THE WORLD 'S FIRST NEED IS THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS . The sufferer was in a pitiably helpless condition—so helpless that he had to be carried to Christ. Yet the Saviour saw that his bodily weakness was of... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 9:6

But that ye may know . From his authority in the physical world they may have direct knowledge ( εἰδῆτε ) of his authority in the spiritual world. Observe that the claim is even in the so-called "Triple Tradition." That the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins ( ὅτι ἐξουσίαν ἔχει ὁυἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἀφιέναι ἁμαρτίας ) . Observe read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Matthew 9:6

But that ye may know ... - That you may have full proof on that point; that you may see that I have power to forgive sin, I will perform an act which all must perceive and admit to require the power of God.Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine own house - The fact that the paralytic man could do this would prove that a miracle was performed. He was healed by a word; it was done instantaneously; it was done in the most public manner. The fact that a man, just before perfectly helpless, could... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Matthew 9:3-8

Matthew 9:3-8 . Behold, certain of the scribes, (Luke adds, and Pharisees,) said within themselves That is, in their hearts, This man blasphemeth Attributing to himself a power (that of forgiving sins) which belongs to God only. And Jesus, knowing their thoughts, which, it appears, they did not openly declare, (for Mark says, Mark 2:8, He perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves,) said: Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts Namely, concerning me, on account... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Matthew 9:1-8

31. Jesus heals a paralyzed man (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26)This story shows the first signs of organized Jewish opposition to Jesus. A group of religious leaders from Jerusalem, Judea and Galilee came, with evil motives, to find out for themselves what Jesus was doing and saying (Luke 5:17).Some friends of a paralyzed man were so sure Jesus could heal him that they allowed no obstacle to stop them from bringing the man to him. In his response Jesus did more than heal the man. He... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Matthew 9:6

the Son of man. See App-98 . XVT. power = authority. See App-172 . earth = the earth. Greek. ge. App-129 . unto. Greek. eis. Same as "into", Matthew 9:1 . read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Matthew 9:6

But that ye may know that the Son of man hath authority on earth to forgive sins (then saith he to the sick of the palsy), Arise, and take up thy bed, and go unto thy house.But that ye may know ... is equivalent to saying men could NOT KNOW Jesus' power to forgive sins without such a demonstration of his power. Now, if it is allowed that the Christ himself could not cause people to know of his power to forgive sins without the accompanying power to heal the body, how much more is it certain... read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - Matthew 9:1-7

Matthew 9:1-7. And he entered into a ship— And returning into a vessel, he crossed the lake, and came to his own city [of Capernaum, where he had dwelt after his leaving Nazareth] Mat 9:2 where they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed; and Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, Have confidence, my son! your sins are forgiven. Heylin. See this miracle more circumstantially described in Mark 2:0 and Luke 5:0. In St. Luke's miracle, there is a very material circumstance premised,... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Matthew 9:1-8

Jesus’ healing and forgiveness of a paralytic 9:1-8 (cf. Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26)The incident that follows occurred before the one in Matthew 8:28-34. Matthew placed it in his Gospel here for thematic reasons. It is another evidence of Jesus’ supernatural power but in a different realm. read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Matthew 9:1-34

A. Demonstrations of the King’s power 8:1-9:34Matthew described Jesus’ ministry as consisting of teaching, preaching, and healing in Matthew 4:23. Chapters 5-7 record what He taught His disciples: principles of the kingdom. We have the essence of His preaching ministry in Matthew 4:17. Now in Matthew 8:1 to Matthew 9:34 we see His healing ministry. He demonstrated authority over human beings, unseen spiritual powers, and the world of nature. Matthew showed that Jesus’ ability proves that He is... read more

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