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William MacDonald

As soon as we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). That means that the hostility between ourselves and God has ceased since Christ has effectively dealt with the cause of that hostility - our sins.

We also have peace of conscience knowing that the work is finished, Christ has paid the penalty of our sins, and God has forgotten...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22Romans 5:1

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William MacDonald

Longsuffering is the virtue that bears up patiently and even triumphantly under the aggravations of life. While it may refer to a patient response to adverse circumstances, it usually refers to a merciful endurance of the provocations of people.

God is longsuffering with man. Think for a moment of the gross sinfulness of the human race at the present time - the legalization of prostitution, the popularization of homosexuality, the laws permitting abortions, the breakdown of marriage...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22

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William MacDonald

The King James Version has the word "gentleness" here but almost all modern versions read "kindness." "The fruit of the Spirit is…kindness."

Kindness describes the gentle, gracious, generous disposition that results in the doing of favors, the showing of mercies, and the bestowing of benefits on others. The kind person is gracious, not harsh; sympathetic, not indifferent; and helpful, not uninvolved. He is considerate, compassionate and charitable.

There is a natural kindness...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22

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William MacDonald

Goodness means excellence of character. Someone has defined it as "virtue equipped at every point," which simply means that the person possessing it is kind, virtuous and righteous in every area of life.

Goodness is the opposite of badness. A bad man may be deceitful, immoral, treacherous, unjust, cruel, selfish, hateful, covetous, and/or intemperate. The good man, though not perfect, exemplifies truth, justice, purity and other similarly desirable traits.

The Apostle Paul...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22Romans 5:7Romans 12:21

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William MacDonald

This fruit of the Spirit is generally understood as being faithfulness. It is not the faith that saves, or the trust we exercise in God day by day (although it may include that). Rather it is our fidelity and dependability in our dealings with the Lord and with one another. Someone has defined it as being "true to oneself, to one's nature, to any promise given, to any trust committed."

When we say that a man's word is his bond, we mean that in dealing with him, no written contract is...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22Psalms 15:4Revelation 2:10

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William MacDonald

When we think of meekness, we are apt to think of Caspar Milquetoast, the comic strip character who was the embodiment of timidity and weakness. But this fruit of the Spirit is something very different. It comes from supernatural power, not from weakness.

It refers first of all to a believer's loving submission to all God's dealings in his life. The meek man bows to the will of God without rebellion, questioning or complaint. He reckons that "God is too wise to err and too loving to be...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:23

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William MacDonald

The preferred rendering of this last fruit of the Spirit is self-control. Temperance has become associated particularly with restraint in the use of intoxicating drinks. Self-control carries the thought of moderation or abstinence in every area of life.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, the believer is enabled to exercise self-control over his thought life, his appetite for food and drink, his speech, his sex life, his temper and every other power that God has given him. He need not be...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:231 Corinthians 9:251 Corinthians 6:121 Corinthians 9:27

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James Russell Miller

John 14:15-27

Everything in Christian life is love. "The fruit of the Spirit is love." There are other things that are mentioned as fruit - but love is named first, and all the others are only parts or qualities of love. The one white ray of light is resolved into the seven colors of the rainbow. Just so does love, the white ray that shines from the face of God, separate itself into all the heavenly graces. "The fruit of the Spirit is...

Bible Verses: John 14:15-27Galatians 5:22-231 John 3:16-18

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James Russell Miller

Galatians 5:16-26

Paul states a great principle in spiritual ethics, when he says, "Walk by the Spirit - and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." He prescribes here the true rule of spiritual culture. The way to cure ourselves of bad tendencies, is to cultivate the good. It was on these words that Dr. Chalmers preached his famous sermon, "The Expulsive Power of a New Affection ." The way to become...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:16-26

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T. Austin-Sparks

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25 ESV)

That which is called Christianity is essentially a spiritual thing, and not an
earthly order or system, and every fragment of it has to be entered into in a
spiritual way, by way of Life and Revelation. There is all the difference
between imitation and Life. Oh, what a...

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:25

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