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Charles Spurgeon

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Truth." John 16:13

Truth is like a vast cavern into which we desire to enter, but we are not able to traverse it alone. At the entrance it is clear and bright; but if we would go further and explore its innermost recesses, we must have a guide, or we shall lose ourselves. The Holy Spirit, who knows all truth perfectly, is the appointed guide of all true...

Bible Verses: John 16:13

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Charles Spurgeon

"Your sorrow shall be turned into joy." John 16:20

Their particular sorrow was the death and absence of their LORD, and it was turned into joy when He rose from the dead and showed Himself in their midst. All the sorrows of saints shall be thus transmuted, even the worst of them, which look as if they must forever remain fountains of bitterness.

Then the more sorrow, the more joy. If we have loads of sorrow, then the...

Bible Verses: John 16:20

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Charles Spurgeon

There are times when all the promises and doctrines of the Bible are of no avail, unless a gracious hand shall apply them to us. We are thirsty, but too faint to crawl to the water- brook. When a soldier is wounded in battle it is of little use for him to know that there are those at the hospital who can bind up his wounds, and medicines there to ease all the pains which he now suffers: what he needs is to be carried thither, and to have the remedies applied. It is thus with our souls, and...

Bible Verses: John 16:15

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Charles Spurgeon

Art thou asking the reason of this, believer? Look upward to thy heavenly Father, and behold him pure and holy. Dost thou know that thou art one day to be like him? Wilt thou easily be conformed to his image? Wilt thou not require much refining in the furnace of affliction to purify thee? Will it be an easy thing to get rid of thy corruptions, and make thee perfect even as thy Father which is in heaven is perfect? Next, Christian, turn thine eye downward. Dost thou know what foes thou hast...

Bible Verses: John 16:33

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Charles Spurgeon

Few had fellowship with the sorrows of Gethsemane. The majority of the disciples were not sufficiently advanced in grace to be admitted to behold the mysteries of "the agony." Occupied with the passover feast at their own houses, they represent the many who live upon the letter, but are mere babes as to the spirit of the gospel. To twelve, nay, to eleven only was the privilege given to enter Gethsemane and see "this great sight." Out of the eleven, eight were left at a distance; they had...

Bible Verses: John 16:32

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William MacDonald

When the Lord Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would not speak of Himself, He did not mean that the Spirit would never make any reference to Himself. Rather, the thought is that the Spirit would not speak on His own authority or independently of God the Father. This is borne out by the words that follow: "…whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak." The New American Standard Bible reads, "He will not speak on His own initiative."

But having said that, we should add that the Holy...

Bible Verses: John 16:13

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William MacDonald

No created mind can ever comprehend the dimensions of the victory which the Lord Jesus won at the Cross of Calvary. He overcame the world (John 16:33). He doomed Satan, the prince of this world (John 16:11). He triumphed over principalities and powers (Colossians 2:15). He so conquered death that it is now swallowed up in victory (

Bible Verses: 1 Corinthians 15:57John 16:33John 16:11Colossians 2:151 Corinthians 15:54-551 Corinthians 15:57Romans 8:37-39

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George Bowen

Christ says this for the purpose, as it were, of inducing us to consent to his departure. Having come into the world and constituted himself our good Shepherd, and accustomed us to lean on him for everything, we are rather confounded at the suggestion that he is to go away again. Seeing this, he gives us this reassuring promise. Whatsoever we ask of the Father, he will give it. Well, suppose we ask for Christ. He will be given. Not with the limitations of an earthly body. " If thou hadst...

Bible Verses: John 16:23

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George Bowen

There was a new and wondrous trial of mankind, when Christ dwelt on the earth. The world is always saying, "If we had been in Eden, we would not have brought ruin on ourselves." By the coming of Christ the earth was, as it were, made into a new Eden for the occasion, and men were tried over again. It was no longer the question, " Will they sin?" But, " Will they receive God manifest in the form of man? How will they treat the most glorious and admirable being in existence, infinitely...

Bible Verses: John 16:33

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James Russell Miller

John 16:1-15

"Now I am going to him who sent me - yet none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief."

The disciples were in great sorrow. Jesus had told them that He was going to leave them, and they were so absorbed in thoughts of their loss and so overwhelmed that they had not even thought to ask Him where He was going or

Bible Verses: John 16:1-15

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