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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Acts 15:1-21

Salvation is the word Christians use to describe the experience of sins being forgiven and receiving the gift of eternal life. Conversion is the word to describe the way we enter into that experience. Other religions also use the word conversion, but usually what they mean by it is the act of changing from one religion...

Bible Verses: Acts 15:1-21John 15:19-24John 3:17-18Romans 8:1

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Philippians 2:1-11

We are reflecting on the fact that the Christian faith is not just a little better than other faiths but radically different. Religion is mankind's search for God; Christianity, however, is God's search for man. Therefore there are many religions, but only one gospel. Religion is the word become word; the gospel is...

Bible Verses: Philippians 2:1-111 John 4:1-2Romans 1:1-4Romans 8:1-4

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Ephesians 3:14-21

We are seeing that once we enter the sanctuary of God our perspective changes. This can happen to us when we are alone, of course, but the chances are it will happen more swiftly in the act of corporate worship. It is a command of God that we meet together, not only that we might come to know each other better, but...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 3:14-21Ephesians 2:1-19Romans 8:152 Corinthians 6:18Galatians 4:5

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Micah 4:6-13

Yesterday we ended with the statement: "Ultimately, the problems and difficulties of life are all spiritual." What exactly does this mean? Reflect again on the psalmist's problem. He says to himself: "Why does God allow the ungodly to prosper and the godly to go through great trials and tribulations?" He has trouble as...

Bible Verses: Micah 4:6-13Isaiah 55:8Romans 8:1-6Proverbs 12:5Philippians 4:8

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Charles Spurgeon

The boundless realms of his Father's universe are Christ's by prescriptive right. As "heir of all things," he is the sole proprietor of the vast creation of God, and he has admitted us to claim the whole as ours, by virtue of that deed of joint-heir-ship which the Lord hath ratified with his chosen people. The golden streets of paradise, the pearly gates, the river of life, the transcendent bliss, and the unutterable glory, are, by our blessed Lord, made over to us for our everlasting...

Bible Verses: Romans 8:17

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Charles Spurgeon

Come, my soul, think thou of this. Believing in Jesus, thou art actually and effectually cleared from guilt; thou art led out of thy prison. Thou art no more in fetters as a bond-slave; thou art delivered now from the bondage of the law; thou art freed from sin, and canst walk at large as a freeman, thy Saviour's blood has procured thy full discharge. Thou hast a right now to approach thy Father's throne. No flames of vengeance are there to scare thee now; no fiery sword; justice cannot...

Bible Verses: Romans 8:1

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Charles Spurgeon

As God's creatures, we are all debtors to him: to obey him with all our body, and soul, and strength. Having broken his commandments, as we all have, we are debtors to his justice, and we owe to him a vast amount which we are not able to pay. But of the Christian it can be said that he does not owe God's justice anything, for Christ has paid the debt his people owed; for this reason the believer owes the more to love. I am a debtor to God's grace and forgiving mercy; but I am no debtor to...

Bible Verses: Romans 8:12

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William MacDonald

Some of us will be eternally thankful to God for this verse because it taught us that assurance of salvation comes first and foremost through the Word of God and not through feelings. The Bible was written, among other reasons, so that those who believe on the Name of the Son of God can know that they have eternal life.

We can be thankful that assurance does not come through feelings, because they fluctuate with every passing day. "God does not ask the soul to say, 'Thank God I feel so...

Bible Verses: 1 John 5:13Romans 8:16John 6:47

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William MacDonald

Taken by themselves, the sufferings of this present time can be appalling. I think of the gruesome sufferings of the Christian martyrs. I think of what some of God's people have had to endure in the concentration camps. What shall we say concerning the horrible sufferings associated with war? The cruel dismemberment and paralysis connected with accidents? The unspeakable pain of human bodies racked by cancer or other diseases?

And yet physical suffering isn't the whole story. It seems...

Bible Verses: Romans 8:18Proverbs 18:142 Corinthians 4:17

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William MacDonald

Seven times in His letters to the churches of Asia, the Lord Jesus says "I know" and usually those words are used in a favorable sense. "I know thy works…thy labour…thy patience…thy tribulation…thy poverty…and charity…and faith." In those words "I know" there is tremendous comfort and sympathy and encouragement for God's people.

Lehman Strauss points out that when Jesus said "I know," "He did not use the word ginoske, which frequently means to know in the...

Bible Verses: Revelation 2:9Romans 8:18

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