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A.W. Tozer

INTO NINE WORDS, having altogether but eleven syllables, Luke packs a world of universal truth: "Being let go, they went to their own company" (Acts 4:23).

Every normal man has a "company," however small, where he feels at home and to which he will return when he is tired of being alone. The important thing about a man is not where he goes when he is compelled to go, but where he goes when he is free to go where he will. The apostles...

Bible Verses: Acts 4:23

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William MacDonald

When the early Christians were undergoing persecution, they did not wait for their circumstances to change. Instead they glorified God in the circumstances.

Too often we fail to follow their example. We postpone action until conditions are more favorable. We see roadblocks as hindrances rather than as stepping-stones. We excuse our copping-out on the ground that our circumstances are not ideal.

The student remains uninvolved in Christian service until he graduates. Then he is...

Bible Verses: Acts 4:29Ecclesiastes 11:4

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James Russell Miller

Acts 4:1-31

The healing of the lame man made a great stir in the temple. Peter at once began to speak to the wondering people, explaining the miracle. In doing so he told again the story of Jesus Christ, who had been rejected by the rulers and crucified - but whom God had raised up and glorified. Through Him, said Peter, is this man made strong and well. It grieved the rulers that Peter was proclaiming Jesus Christ as the power through...

Bible Verses: Acts 4:1-31

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Samuel Bagster

It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! § [Jesus], being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death. § Then they spat in His face and beat Him; and others struck Him with the palms of their hands, saying, “Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one who struck You?” § Likewise the chief priests also, mocking with the scribes and elders, said, “He saved others;...

Bible Verses: Psalms 69:26Luke 17:1Acts 2:23Matthew 26:67Matthew 26:68Matthew 27:41Matthew 27:42Acts 4:27Acts 4:28Isaiah 53:4

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