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A.W. Tozer

There is also spiritual sleep. Notice Ephesians 5:14: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead." This verse is often spoken to sinners, but it was not written to sinners. Ephesians was never written to sinners. It is not a message to sinners at all, but a message to one of the best churches in the New Testament. Yet the writer says, "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Some of the Ephesians were in a somnolent...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:14

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Isaiah 3:1-11

Now we pause to ask ourselves how this fifth Beatitude, when practised, engenders within us good mental and spiritual health. Psychologists have shown that those who lack the qualities of mercy and compassion are more likely to develop physical problems. Harsh, judgmental attitudes may bring a sense of satisfaction to...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 3:1-11Revelation 10:10Psalms 23:1-6Psalms 31:9Exodus 34:6Galatians 5:22Ephesians 5:9

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Colossians 1:1-14

Yesterday we saw that when we make it a goal to hunger and thirst after happiness, we get nowhere, but when we make it our goal to hunger and thirst after righteousness, we get everywhere. Once again Jesus touches on an aspect of good mental health when He teaches us through these words to focus on right goals....

Bible Verses: Colossians 1:1-14Ephesians 5:1-16Romans 6:42 Corinthians 5:7Galatians 5:16

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     1 Peter 3:13-22

As Christians we ought never to forget that the message of the Bible is addressed primarily to the understanding; it enables us to understand life. Because of the Bible, we are able to give a reason for the hope that is within us. The psalmist found the truth of this. In the sanctuary he discovered an explanation for...

Bible Verses: 1 Peter 3:13-22Psalms 73:17Ephesians 5:1-202 Timothy 1:8

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James Smith

You are in an enemy's land; surrounded by temptations; and have a heart that is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. To honour Jesus in your spirit, communications, and every action, should be your constant aim.

You are to live UNTO the Lord, for Him who died for you and rose again. To this end, provision was laid up in the everlasting covenant, for this purpose the precious promises were made, and with this design the Holy Spirit is given; that you may serve Him in...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:15

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William MacDonald

In a day when men of the world are becoming increasingly allergic to work, Christians must make the most of every passing moment. It is a sin to waste time.

Voices from every age testify to the importance of diligent labor. The Savior Himself said, "I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work" (John 9:4).

Thomas a Kempis wrote, '"Never be idle or vacant; be always reading or writing...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:16John 9:4Genesis 2:15Genesis 3:19Revelation 22:3

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William MacDonald

Excessive levity should be avoided because it inevitably results in a leakage of spiritual power.

The preacher deals with serious issues, with life and death, with time and eternity. He may deliver a masterpiece of a message, and yet if there is undue humor in it, people are apt to remember the jokes and forget the rest.

Oftentimes the power of a message can be dissipated by lighthearted conversation afterwards. A solemn Gospel appeal may result in the hush of eternity coming...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:4

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William MacDonald

The wisdom of God is a thread that runs all through the Bible. For example! "With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding…With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his" (Job 12:13; Job 12:16). "O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of...

Bible Verses: Romans 16:27Job 12:13Job 12:16Psalms 104:24Proverbs 3:19Daniel 2:201 Corinthians 1:211 Corinthians 1:30Romans 16:19Ephesians 5:15-16Matthew 10:16

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William MacDonald

Covetousness is the excessive desire for wealth or possessions. It is a mania that grips people, causing them to grasp for more and more. It is a fever that drives them to crave things they don't actually need.

We see covetousness in the business man who is never satisfied. He says he will stop when he has accumulated a certain amount, but when that time comes, he is greedy for more.

We see it in the housewife whose life is one unending shopping spree. She squirrels away tons of...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:5Colossians 3:51 Timothy 3:31 Corinthians 5:111 Corinthians 6:10

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William MacDonald

Singing here is linked to the filling of the Spirit, as if song is one of the sure results of the filling. Perhaps this is why almost all the great revivals of history have been accompanied by singing. The Welsh revival is a notable example.

No people have as much to sing about as Christians, and no people have such a rich heritage of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Our hymns express in majestic language what we so often feel but cannot express. Some hymns express thoughts that may...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 5:19

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