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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Isaiah 40:1-11

What do we mean when we say that the Bible is "inspired"? There are various views. One is natural inspiration - that the Bible is inspired in the same way that any work of genius is, like Pilgrim's Progress for example. Another view is of partial inspiration, which claims that the Bible is not a scientific textbook...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:1-11Jeremiah 36:1-7Revelation 1:1-20Revelation 2:1

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Luke 24:13-35

The Bible is unique in its varied penmanship. The Scriptures were written over a period of some fifteen hundred years by about forty different penmen, and yet although of such composite character, the book displays an amazing and essential unity. The most wonderful thing about the written Word is that woven through it...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:13-35Psalms 119:81-96Isaiah 40:8Matthew 5:18Matthew 24:35

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Matthew 8:18-34

Have you ever wondered why Jesus is never referred to as Jesus the Great? We speak of Alexander the Great, Charles the Great, and Peter the Great but never Jesus the Great. And why? Because He dwells in a sphere where no real comparisons are possible. It simply doesn't seem right to use the designation "the Great" of...

Bible Verses: Matthew 8:18-34Isaiah 40:1-31Psalms 89:6John 1:34

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James Smith

THE word of our God is like His nature, immutably the same; He saith, "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my mouth." Believer, this is thy comfort; every promise is confirmed and shall be fulfilled. But what hath He said? He hath said, "Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper. I will strengthen thee, I will...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:8

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Charles Spurgeon

We anticipate the happy day when the whole world shall be converted to Christ; when the gods of the heathen shall be cast to the moles and the bats; when Romanism shall be exploded, and the crescent of Mohammed shall wane, never again to cast its baleful rays upon the nations; when kings shall bow down before the Prince of Peace, and all nations shall call their Redeemer blessed. Some despair of this. They look upon the world as a vessel breaking up and going to pieces, never to float...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:5

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Charles Spurgeon

Each believer should be thirsting for God, for the living God, and longing to climb the hill of the Lord, and see him face to face. We ought not to rest content in the mists of the valley when the summit of Tabor awaits us. My soul thirsteth to drink deep of the cup which is reserved for those who reach the mountain's brow, and bathe their brows in heaven. How pure are the dews of the hills, how fresh is the mountain air, how rich the fare of the dwellers aloft, whose windows look into the...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:9

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Charles Spurgeon

Our knowledge of Christ is somewhat like climbing one of our Welsh mountains. When you are at the base you see but little: the mountain itself appears to be but one-half as high as it really is. Confined in a little valley, you discover scarcely anything but the rippling brooks as they descend into the stream at the foot of the mountain. Climb the first rising knoll, and the valley lengthens and widens beneath your feet. Go higher, and you see the country for four or five miles round, and...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:9

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George Bowen

The contrast really intended here is not between the word of God and the grass of the field; for there are many other things to share with Scripture the honor of out-living the flowers of earth. In one sense the Bible resembles the grass of the field; if by great efforts the latter be rooted up and cast into the fire, much time will not elapse before that same spot is seen verdant again with a new growth. And many rulers have sought to destroy the crop of Bibles sown in their do minions, but...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:8

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George Bowen

And how were the servants of God to comfort the people of God? By telling them of Christ. This became the burden of Isaiah's prophecies, as recorded in the fortieth chapter and onwards; and all the prophets his successors continued this strain. This was the banquet that God saw fit to provide for his ancient people. They demanded other comfort, and demanded in vain. When Jesus himself appeared, they refused to accept the comfort; they saw no beauty in him that they should desire him. They...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 40:1

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Samuel Bagster

The Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did to Sarah as he had promised.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.—David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.—“God will visit you and bring you up out of this land to the land that he swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.”—“‘I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and I...

Bible Verses: Genesis 21:1Psalms 62:81 Samuel 30:6Genesis 50:24Acts 7:34Acts 7:36Joshua 21:45Hebrews 10:23Numbers 23:19Matthew 24:35Isaiah 40:8

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