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A.W. Tozer

THESE ARE THE TIMES that try men's souls. The Spirit has spoken expressly that in the latter times some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Those days are upon us and we cannot escape them; we must triumph in the midst of them, for such is the will of God concerning us.

Strange as it may seem, the danger today is greater for the fervent Christian than...

Bible Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:211 John 4:1Matthew 7:15Proverbs 1:172 Peter 3:152 Peter 3:162 Peter 3:1Isaiah 42Revelation 4:11Revelation 4:2Acts 2:36Acts 4:12Acts 4:3Acts 4:4Galatians 5:17Romans 8Romans 6Romans 7Romans 51 John 3:181 John 3:191 John 4:71 John 4:81 John 5:1John 13:35John 13:6John 3:16John 3:171 John 2:161 John 2:17Ephesians 21 John 2:152 Corinthians 6:7Titus 2:11-13Psalms 5

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Isaiah 42:1-9

What is the first thing we learn about God as we open up the Scriptures? It is His might and omnipotence. The Bible never argues that there is a God; everywhere it assumes and asserts the fact. Majestically the opening verse of Scripture says: "In the beginning God –" Its paramount concern is not to persuade us that God...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 42:1-9Genesis 1:1Acts 14:8-15Nehemiah 9:5-6Psalms 102:25Hebrews 11:3

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Isaiah 42:10-17

We are ready now to close in on our subject and contemplate as far as we are able the nature and character of the God we worship. Most of what we know about God is from His self-revelation in the Scriptures. We know something about Him as we look out through the lattice of nature, but because the world of nature has...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 42:10-17Exodus 20:1-7Deuteronomy 11:161 John 5:21

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Samuel Bagster

Sing aloud to God our strength; make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob. Raise a song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the lute. § He has put a new song in my mouth—praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. § The joy of the Lord is your strength. Paul … thanked God and took courage.Knowing the time, that now it is...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 42:10Psalms 81:1Psalms 81:2Psalms 40:3Joshua 1:9Nehemiah 8:10Acts 28:15Romans 13:11Romans 13:14

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