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A.W. Tozer

It is a rare mind, I suppose, that is much concerned with the conduct of God in those distant realms that lie beyond human experience. But almost everyone has wondered how God would act if He were in our place. And we may have had moments when we felt that God could not possibly understand how hard it is for us to live right in such an evil world as this. And we may have wondered how He would act and what He would do if He were to live among us for a while. To wonder thus may be natural but...

Bible Verses: John 14:9

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     2 Corinthians 13:1-14

That great Christian, Francis Schaeffer, said that he would have remained an agnostic if it weren't for the doctrine of the Trinity. It was this, he claimed, that gave him the answer - the only answer - to the theme of unity and diversity. The question I have been asked most often about the Trinity is this: Why...

Bible Verses: 2 Corinthians 13:1-14John 14:8-21John 17:22

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 14:1-14

We make the claim once again - Christianity is unique. It is unique in the sense that it is the divinely appointed way to enter into a relationship with the one true and living God. There is only one way, only one Name, only one God, only one Lord, only one Mediator. Our claim that Christianity is unique comes not from...

Bible Verses: John 14:1-14Matthew 7:15-21Acts 20:25-31

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 20:10-18

Some non-Christian religions claim that God is the Author of their sacred writings as well as of the Bible, but the god they talk about is not the God who has revealed Himself in the Person of His Son. The true God is a Father - the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mohammed wrote in the Qur'an (as we saw): "Allah...

Bible Verses: John 20:10-18John 10:22-38John 12:45John 14:1-10

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James Smith

THIS is the word of Jesus to us this morning; it is intended to encourage and embolden us at the throne of grace, and to comfort us under all our privations and wants. Jesus has all power in heaven and in earth; all things are delivered unto Him by the Father. He has a large store, and a kind and tender heart. Let us therefore go to Him with our wants, that He may supply them; with our fears, that He may quell them; with our sins, that He may pardon and subdue them; with every thing that...

Bible Verses: John 14:14

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James Smith

Here is the Christian's grand RULE of action, the commandments of his dear Saviour. Jesus commands us because He loves us; because He desires our present welfare; because He will prove the sincerity of our profession; and because He approves of the obedience of faith.

He commands us to imitate Himself; He is our great pattern and example; and we should endeavour to imitate Him in His Spirit, and design, and actions. He commands us to believe Him, profess Him, obey Him, and continue in...

Bible Verses: John 14:15

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Charles Spurgeon

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:13

It is not every believer who has yet learned to pray in Christ's name. To ask not only for His sake, but in His name, as authorized by Him, is a high order of prayer. We would not dare to ask for some things in that blessed name, for it would be a wretched profanation of it; but when the petition is so clearly right...

Bible Verses: John 14:13

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Charles Spurgeon

"If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it." John 14:14

What a wide promise! Anything! Whether large or small, all my needs are covered by that word "anything". Come, my soul, be free at the mercy seat, and hear thy LORD saying to thee, "Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it."

What a wise promise! We are always to ask in the name of Jesus. While this encourages us, it also honors Him. This is a constant plea....

Bible Verses: John 14:14

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Charles Spurgeon

Great Father revealed himself to believers of old before the coming of his Son, and was known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the God Almighty. Then Jesus came, and the ever-blessed Son in his own proper person, was the delight of his people's eyes. At the time of the Redeemer's ascension, the Holy Spirit became the head of the present dispensation, and his power was gloriously manifested in and after Pentecost. He remains at this hour the present Immanuel-God with us, dwelling in and with...

Bible Verses: John 14:16

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William MacDonald

Commandments? In the New Testament? Whenever people hear the word commandments, they immediately think legalism. But the two words are not synonymous. No one spoke more of commandments than the Lord Jesus, yet no one was less legalistic than He.

What is legalism? Though the word itself is not found in the New Testament, it describes man's ceaseless effort to earn or deserve God's favor. Basically it signifies the attempt to gain justification or sanctification by lawkeeping. That is...

Bible Verses: John 14:151 Corinthians 6:12

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