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William MacDonald

The Song of Deborah rehearses the curse on Meroz for staying on the sidelines while the army of Israel was locked in combat with the Canaanites. The people of Reuben also come in for withering scorn; they had good intentions but never left the sheepfolds. Gilead, Asher and Dan receive dishonorable mention for their non-intervention.

Dante said, "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in a time of great moral crisis."

The same sentiments are echoed in...

Bible Verses: Judges 5:23Proverbs 24:11-12

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James Russell Miller

Judges 5:1-23

It was in the days of the judges. The Israelites were suffering sore oppression under their ancient enemies, the Canaanites. Deborah was raised up as a deliverer. She called Barak, a brave general, to her aid, and an army of ten thousand men was gathered. With this army, Deborah and Barak went against the army of Sisera and were victorious. Sisera's horses and chariots were put to flight and his men slain in battle. Sisera...

Bible Verses: Judges 5:1-23Judges 5:23

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