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A.W. Tozer

Undoubtedly God goes along with us as far as He can in this weak and one-sided treatment of the Holy Scriptures, but He cannot be pleased with this way of doing. Our Heavenly Father takes pleasure in seeing us develop and grow up spiritually. He does not want us to live entirely on a diet of sweet stuff. He gives us for our encouragement Isaiah 41, but He gives us also Matthew 23 and the book of Jude,...

Bible Verses: Isaiah 41Matthew 23Romans 11

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Romans 11:1-24

We continue reflecting on the meaning of grace. Illion T. Jones, a famous Welsh preacher, said that "The word 'grace' is unquestionably the most significant single word in the Bible." I agree. But it must be understood right away that grace is a characteristic of God which is exercized only toward those who are seen as...

Bible Verses: Romans 11:1-24Psalms 145:9Romans 3:1-24Acts 15:112 Timothy 2:1

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James Smith

BELIEVERS are sometimes tempted to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think; they forget that they are indebted to the free, sovereign, and distinguishing grace of God, for all the difference there is between them and the vilest of the vile. They should consider they are still weak, and liable to overcome; foolish, and prone to wander; sinful, and easily wrought upon; that Satan is strong and determined; subtle and insinuating; malicious and designing; active and persevering;...

Bible Verses: Romans 11:20

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Charles Spurgeon

"For the LORD will not cast off for ever." Lamentations 3:31

He may cast away for a season but not forever. A woman may leave off her ornaments for a few days, but she will not forget them or throw them upon the dunghill. It is not like the LORD to cast off those whom He loves, for "having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end." Some talk of our being in grace and out of it, as if we were like rabbits...

Bible Verses: Lamentations 3:31Romans 11:2Malachi 2:16

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William MacDonald

When a person gets grounded early in the doctrine of grace, he saves himself from a host of problems in later life. It is so basic to understand that salvation is a free gift of God's grace and that it is given to those who not only do not deserve it but who in fact deserve the very opposite. There is nothing meritorious a person can do or become to earn eternal life. It is given to those who abandon any thoughts of personal worthiness but who rest their case on the worthiness of the Savior...

Bible Verses: Romans 11:6

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William MacDonald

God never leaves Himself without a witness. In the darkest days, a voice sounds out for Him in clear, articulate tones. Often in the most unusual circumstances, He raises up some unexpected confessor to speak His Name boldly.

In the days before the flood, the earth was gripped by violence and immorality. But Noah was there to take a valiant stand for the Lord.

It seemed to Elijah that all Israel had sunk in idolatry, but God had 7000 men that had not bowed to Baal.

In the...

Bible Verses: Romans 11:4Genesis 1:1-10Genesis 1:1

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Samuel Bagster

The Lord is not slow to fulfil His promises as some count slowness.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your...

Bible Verses: 2 Peter 3:82 Peter 3:9Isaiah 55:8Isaiah 55:9Isaiah 55:10Isaiah 55:11Romans 11:32Romans 11:3

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Samuel Bagster

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. § If the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. § Now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. § If we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection. § The Lord Jesus Christ … will transform our lowly body...

Bible Verses: 1 Corinthians 15:23John 12:24Romans 11:161 Corinthians 15:20Romans 6:5Philippians 3:20Philippians 3:21Colossians 1:18Romans 8:11John 11:25

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