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Greek Word Studies

Read (314) anaginosko

Read (314)(anaginosko from aná = emphatic, again + ginosko = know <> know again) literally to know again or to recognize again. It came to mean to distinguish between, to know accurately and then to read. In the NT anaginosko is only used with the meaning of to read (albeit once in a figurative sens... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Receive mercy (1653) eleeo

Receive mercy (1653) (eleeo from eleos [word study]) means “to feel sympathy with the misery of another, especially such sympathy which manifests itself in action, less frequently in word.” Describes the general sense of one who has compassion or person on someone in need. It indicates being moved t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Remission (859) aphesis

Forgiven (863) (aphiemi from apo = prefix implies separation + hiemi = put in motion, send; See also study on noun aphesis) conveys the basic idea of an action which causes separation and means to send from one's self, to forsake, to hurl away, to put away, let alone, disregard, put off. It conveys ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Render (repay, pay/give back, reward, sold) (591) apodidomi

Will award (591) (apodidomi from apó = from + didomi = give and so to "give off” from one’s self) literally means to give back, then to put away by giving and then in a more figurative sense to pay back or recompense. Apodidomi can mean to give back or pay back (implying a debt and conveying the ide... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Soul (5590) psuche

Souls (5590) (psuche or psyche from psucho = to breathe, blow, English = psychology, "study of the soul") is the breath, then that which breathes, the individual, animated creature. However the discerning reader must understand that psuche is one of those Greek words that can have several meanings, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Strengthen (4741) sterizo

Confirm (4741) (stērízō from histemi = to stand as in 1 Pe 5:12 "stand firm in" the true grace of God. Histemi also root of "Resist" - anthistemi and of "firm" - stereos, both used by Peter in 1 Pe 5:9) means to make firm or solid, to set fast, to fix firmly in a place, to establish (make firm or st... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Stroke (tittle) (2762) keraia

Stroke (KJV = tittle) (2762) (keraia from kéras = a horn) means something horn-like and is specifically the apex, point or extremity of a Hebrew letter, these small marks helping to distinguish one Hebrew letter from another. Keraia was a small extension of a letter similar to a serif (any of the sh... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma

Transgression (3900) (paraptoma from para = aside + pipto = fall) is literally a falling aside or beside to stumble on something (so as to loose footing) and in its figurative ethical usage (all uses in the NT) it describes a "false step", a violation of moral standards or a deviation from living ac... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Unclothed, be (1562) ekduo

To be unclothed (1562)(ekduo from ek = out + dúo = cause to sink, go or come) means literally to go or come out of, to put off and especially to put off clothing and thus to unclothe. To remove clothing, strip off garments (of Jesus' before His crucifixion - Mt 27:28, 31, Mk 15:20), undress oneself ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Understanding (1271) dianoia

Understanding (1271) (dianoia from dianoéomai = to agitate in mind in turn from dia = separation + noeo = to think over, nous = mind, intellect, thought, reason) means thinking through something, meditating, reflecting. It refers to the intellect, moral understanding or the way of thinking. It is th... Read More

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