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Greek Word Studies

Rebuke (warn) (2008) epitimao

Rebuke (2008) (epitimao from epi = upon + timao = to honour) (here a command in the aorist imperative) means literally to put honor upon and then to mete out due measure and so then to find fault with, to censure severely, to rebuke, to express strong disapproval of, or to denounce (cp the incredibl... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Refuse (720) arneomai

Deny (720) (arneomai from "a" = negation + rheo = say) literally means "to say no", to say one does not know about or is in any way related to some person or some thing. Webster says that to deny implies a firm refusal to accept as true, to grant or concede or to acknowledge the existence or claims ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rejected (593) apodokimazo

Rejected (593) (apodokimazo from apo = off, away from, pictures separation of one thing from another + dokimazo = to test, examine, scrutinize to see whether a thing is genuine or not) means to reject or refuse to accept something or someone after testing, scrutiny or examination. The preposition ap... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scribes (1122) grammateus

Scribes (1122) (grammateus from grápho = write) literally is a writer (town clerk - Acts 19:35) and was the word used to describe a clerk, a scribe, especially a public scribe, a secretary, a recorder, whose office and influence differed in different states. See multiple dictionary articles on Scrib... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scriptures (1124) graphe

Scriptures (1124) (graphe from grapho = to write; English = graphite - the lead in a pencil!) means first a writing or thing written, a document. The majority of the NT uses refer to the Old Testament writings, in a general sense of the whole collection when the plural (= Scriptures - Matt. 21:42; 2... Read More
Greek Word Studies decrees(1379) dogmatizo decrees (1379) (dogmatizo from dogma = rule, decree, regulation, ordinance - a formalized rule or set of rules prescribing what one must do) means to put others under obligation by imposition of rules. In the passive sense as used in this passage the idea is to submit to rules and regula... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Town clerk (1122) grammateus

Scribes (1122) (grammateus from grápho = write) literally is a writer (town clerk - Acts 19:35) and was the word used to describe a clerk, a scribe, especially a public scribe, a secretary, a recorder, whose office and influence differed in different states. See multiple dictionary articles on Scrib... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Walk (follow, keep in step, live) (4748) stoicheo

Walk (4748) (stoicheo from stoichos = row, line, rank; see word study of stoicheion = elements, basic foundational things like letters of the alphabet) is literally to walk in line, walk in a straight line, proceed in a row, to follow in someone’s footsteps. To keep in rank and file. To march in in ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

World (2889) kosmos

World (2889) (kosmos related to the verb kosmeo = to order or adorn, to put in order [Mt 25:7 = "trimmed"], to adorn literally [1Ti 2:9], to adorn figuratively [Titus 2:9-note]) means essentially something that is well-arranged, that which has order or something arranged harmoniously. Kosmos refers ... Read More
Horatius Bonar

Rev. 11:8. The Cross of the Lord Jesus

Horatius Bonar"Where also our Lord was crucified."—Revelation 11:8. "The cross of Christ!"—1 Corinthians 1:17. "The preaching of the cross."—1 Corinthians 1:18. "Where also our Lord was crucified." The first of these passages strikingly identifies the Master and the servants—our Lord and His witnesses. They were ... Read More

Group of Brands