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Classic Christian Writings

God Calls To A New Life By Horatius Bonar

It is to a new life that God is calling us, not to some new steps in life, some new habits or ways or motives or prospects, but to A NEW LIFE. To produce this new life the eternal Son of God became flesh, died, was buried, and rose again. It is not life producing life, a lower life rising into a hig... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

When God Comes By Erwin Lutzer

Edited from a message delivered at the "Heart-Cry for Revival" Conference near Asheville, North Carolina, April 9-12, 2002. If it is correct to say, as A. W. Tozer said, that the most important thing about us is our conception of God, then it is very important that our understanding of God be biblic... Read More
F.B. Meyer

Man in Christ

F.B. MeyerCHRIST is the ideal man. Once, in the course of the ages, the plant of human nature seemed to bear a perfect flower of stainless purity and ineffable loveliness. The black touch of the world's sin could not befoul it. The storms that swept over it might strike it for a moment down to the black soil ... Read More
F.B. Meyer

Our Daily Homily - Joshua

F.B. MeyerEvery place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon - Joshua 1:3 All the land was given, but every inch of it had to be claimed. Israel had to put her foot down upon the land, whether wilderness or Lebanon, plain or hill, and say, "This is mine by the gift of God." And as the right was asserted,... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Abolished (2673) katargeo

Nullified (2673) (katargeo from kata = intensifies meaning + argeo = to be idle or inactive from argos = ineffective, idle, inactive from a = without + érgon = work) literally means to reduce to inactivity. The idea is to make the power or force of something ineffective and so to render powerless, r... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Apostle (652) apostolos; or here

Apostle (652) (apostolos [word study] from apostello = send in turn from apo = off from + stello = send) (Click for another discussion) which literally means "sent one". Apostolos was a technical word designating an individual sent from someone else with the sender's commission, the necessary creden... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Behold (2400) idou

Passed away (3928)(parerchomai from para = beside, near + erchomai = come, go) means to pass near, pass by or pass away and is used in both a literal and figurative sense, with the figurative uses predominating in the NT. Parerchomai describes literal passing by, passing through (LXX - Nu 20:17, 19,... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Built together (4925) sunoikodomeo

Being built together (4925) (sunoikodomeo from sun = together speaks of intimacy and indissoluble union + oikodomeo [word study] = to build from oikos = dwelling + doma = building > literally the building of a house) means to build or construct of various parts. It is used only figuratively and only... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Cancel out (blot out, erase, wipe away) (1813) exaleipho

Having canceled out (1813) (exaleipho from ek = out, intensive [adds sense of "completely" - see also Vincent's note below] + aleipho = wipe, cover over, besmear) means literally to completely wipe off. Literally exaleipho means to remove by wiping off, as when a blackboard is erased. The word was a... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Church (1577) ekklesia

Church (1577)(ekklesia from ek = out + klesis = a calling, verb = kaleo = to call) literally means called out (but see note by Louw-Nida below) and as commonly used in the Greco-Roman vernacular referred to citizens who were called out from their homes to be publicly assembled or gathered to discuss... Read More

Group of Brands