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Greek Word Studies

Remember (3415)(mnaomai)

Remember (3415)(mnaomai) means to recall to mind, to recollect, to come to one's remembrance. Mnaomai refers primarily to remembering as an act of mental recall (e.g., Mt 5:23; 27:63; Lk 16:25; Jn 2:17, 22; Acts 11:16; 2Ti 1: 4; 2Pe 3:2; Jude 1:17). Some uses of mnaomai convey the idea of “be mindfu... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Requirement (1345) dikaioma

Ordinance (1345) (dikaioma from dikaióo = to justify <> díkaios = just, righteous <> dike = right) refers to what God has declared to be right and here referring to His decree of retribution which has the force of law. Dikaioma is used elsewhere in this Epistle with its other meaning of “righteousne... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sanctify (hallow) (37) hagiazo

Sanctify (37)(hagiazo from hagios [see word study] = holy, set apart) means to set apart for God, to sanctify, to make a person or thing (in the OT altars, days, priests, etc were set apart) the opposite of koinos, which means profane or common. Hiebert adds that... The primary meaning of sanctify i... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scepter (4464) rhabdos

Scepter (4464) (rhabdos probably related to rhapis = a rod or stick ) is literally a relatively narrow piece of wood of variable length. Depending on the context, rhabdos can describe a rod (including that with which one is beaten or used as an instrument of punishment - see 1 Cor 4:21 below), a sta... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Solemnly charge (1263) diamarturomai

Solemnly charge (1263) (diamarturomai from diá = intensifies meaning conveying idea of "thoroughly" + martúromai = witness, bear witness) means to bear witness, testify earnestly or repeatedly, to charge as it if before witnesses (here God and Christ Jesus), to exhort earnestly and with authority in... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Spare (5339) pheidomai

Spare (5339) (pheidomai) means to treat leniently, to forbear, to spare. To avoid or refrain from doing something. To save someone from trouble, loss or discomfort (2Co 1:21, 1Co 7:28, With a negative = Acts 20:29, Ro 8:32) To prevent trouble from happening to someone (e.g., see Lxx uses - Ge 19:16 ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Speak or say before (beforehand, foretell) (4280) proereo

Remember (3403)(mimnesko) means to bring to mind or think of again. It means to keep in mind for attention or consideration. Most of the NT uses convey this sense of recalling information from memory. In Acts 10:31 (Rev 16:19) the idea of mimnesko is to think of and call attention to someone or some... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Spending our life (1236) diago

Spending our life (1236) (diago from diá = through + ágo = lead) means literally to lead through, to lead across or to send across. Figuratively, as used in the NT, it means to pass the time, to go through life or simply live daily. The present tense means continually or habitually and thus conveys ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Strengthen (4741) sterizo

Confirm (4741) (stērízō from histemi = to stand as in 1 Pe 5:12 "stand firm in" the true grace of God. Histemi also root of "Resist" - anthistemi and of "firm" - stereos, both used by Peter in 1 Pe 5:9) means to make firm or solid, to set fast, to fix firmly in a place, to establish (make firm or st... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Testify solemnly (1263) diamarturomai

Solemnly charge (1263) (diamarturomai from diá = intensifies meaning conveying idea of "thoroughly" + martúromai = witness, bear witness) means to bear witness, testify earnestly or repeatedly, to charge as it if before witnesses (here God and Christ Jesus), to exhort earnestly and with authority in... Read More

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