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Greek Word Studies

Peace (1515) eirene

Peace (1515)(eirene from verb eiro = to join or bind together that which has been separated) literally pictures the binding or joining together again of that which had been separated or divided and thus setting at one again, a meaning convey by the common expression of one “having it all together”. ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo)

Do, done, did, doing; Make, made, makes, making; Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo) occurs 568 times, primarily in the Gospels and in a wide variety of contexts, which makes it difficult to do a simple word study. BDAG says poieo is "a multivalent term (possessing many meanings), often without pointed... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Persecutions (1375) diogmos

Persecutions (1375) (diogmos from dioko [word study] = to chase, to pursue) literally refers to a chase or pursuit and figuratively means to put to flight or to pursue with repeated acts of enmity. See Related Resources on Persecution: Persecution Predicted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount Persec... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Pretext (pretense, for appearance's sake) (4392) prophasis

Pretext (4392) (prophasis from prophaíno = to cause to shine before, to appear before, be apparent <> pró = before, + phaíno = to appear, to shine before. Vincent gives the origin as pro = before, in front of + phemi = to say, affirm) is that which is alleged as the cause, an allegation, plea. In ot... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Receive mercy (1653) eleeo

Receive mercy (1653) (eleeo from eleos [word study]) means “to feel sympathy with the misery of another, especially such sympathy which manifests itself in action, less frequently in word.” Describes the general sense of one who has compassion or person on someone in need. It indicates being moved t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sin (noun) (266) hamartia

Sin (266) (hamartia) literally conveys the idea of missing the mark as when hunting with a bow and arrow (in Homer some hundred times of a warrior hurling his spear but missing his foe). Later hamartia came to mean missing or falling short of any goal, standard, or purpose. Hamartia in the Bible sig... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma

Transgression (3900) (paraptoma from para = aside + pipto = fall) is literally a falling aside or beside to stumble on something (so as to loose footing) and in its figurative ethical usage (all uses in the NT) it describes a "false step", a violation of moral standards or a deviation from living ac... Read More
Greek Word Studies

United with (4854) sumphutos

Have become united with (4854) (sumphutos from sun/syn [word study] = together speaks of intimate union + phúo = grow up, spring up, of men, to beget = engender or generate, to produce, to bring forth, to put forth shoots) means growing up or spring up together. It was a word commonly used for the j... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Word (4487) rhema

Word (4487) (rhema from verb rheo = to speak - to say, speak or utter definite words) refers to the spoken word, especially a word as uttered by a living voice. Laleo is another word translated speak but it refers only to uttering a sound whereas rheo refers to uttering a definite intelligible word.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Workmanship (what has been made) (4161) poiema

What has been made (4161) (poiema from poieo = to do or make) means what is made and refers to the product or workmanship, a work, or a work piece, workmanship. Poiema is used figuratively in its only other use in Ephesians 2:10-note. It denotes the result of work, what is produced as contrasted to ... Read More

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