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Greek Word Studies

Peter (4074) petros

Peter (4074 ) (Petros; Latin = Petrus) is a masculine proper noun which means a "stone" and generally a smaller stone than the feminine form petra which refers to a massive rock or a foundation boulder (eg Mt 7:24-note). Peter is the Greek equivalent of the Syriac or Aramaic name Cephas (Kephas from... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Profit (verb) (5623) opheleo

Is of value (5623) (opheleo from ophéllo = heap up or from ophelos = increase, profit) means to provide assistance, with emphasis upon the resulting benefit. To help, to be of benefit, to be of use, to be an advantage, to be advantageous. Passive sense - to have benefit from, to profit. To be useful... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Prophet (4396) (prophetes)

Prophet (4396)(prophetes from próphemi = literally to tell beforehand in turn from pró = before, in front of, forth, on behalf of + phemí = speak, tell) is primarily a forth-teller or one who speaks out God's message, primarily to their own generation, usually always calling the people to God's trut... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Put to open shame (3856) paradeigmatizo

Put to open shame (3856) (paradeigmatizo from pará = near, to those in view, visibly, openly, publicly + deigmatízo = exhibit, make a show, cause to suffer public disgrace or shame -- as the Romans did when they exposed their captives and the spoils of the conquered enemies to public view in their t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Raised up with (4891) sungeiro

Raised up with (4891)(sungeiro from sun = together + egeiro = to raise) which means to raise together (used also in Col 2:12-note; Eph 2:6-note). Aorist tense indicates our resurrection with Christ is a past tense, completed action, which was reckoned true in our life the moment we by grace thru fai... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rebuke (warn) (2008) epitimao

Rebuke (2008) (epitimao from epi = upon + timao = to honour) (here a command in the aorist imperative) means literally to put honor upon and then to mete out due measure and so then to find fault with, to censure severely, to rebuke, to express strong disapproval of, or to denounce (cp the incredibl... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rejected (593) apodokimazo

Rejected (593) (apodokimazo from apo = off, away from, pictures separation of one thing from another + dokimazo = to test, examine, scrutinize to see whether a thing is genuine or not) means to reject or refuse to accept something or someone after testing, scrutiny or examination. The preposition ap... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Return (1994) epistrepho

Returned (1994) (epistrepho from epí = motion toward + strepho = twist, turn quite around or reverse) means to revert, to turn about, to turn around, to turn toward, to return and figuratively to convert. The idea is a definite turn to God in conduct as well as in one's mind. Study the 39 uses below... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Saint (40) hagios

Saints (40) (hagios = set apart ones, separated ones, sanctified ones, holy ones) is literally a holy one and depending on the context refers to whoever or whatever is set apart (sanctified) for a special purpose. Saints have been supernaturally set apart (sanctified by the Holy Spirit, 1Pe 1:2-note... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scribes (1122) grammateus

Scribes (1122) (grammateus from grápho = write) literally is a writer (town clerk - Acts 19:35) and was the word used to describe a clerk, a scribe, especially a public scribe, a secretary, a recorder, whose office and influence differed in different states. See multiple dictionary articles on Scrib... Read More

Group of Brands