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Greek Word Studies

Care (3308) merimna

Anxiety:(3308) (merimna from merizo = to divide or draw different directions - which is exactly what anxiety does to most of us!) refers to a care (the sole way it is translated in the KJV) or concern and so to care for someone or something. It is often used in a negative sense and thus is translate... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Coarse Jesting (2160) eutrapelia

Coarse Jesting (2160) (eutrapelia from eú = easily + trépo = to turn = well-turned, i.e. ready at repartee, jocose) literally means to turn easily and describes witticisms in a vulgar sense. The idea is that the person "turns easily", making quick comebacks with clever words having for example doubl... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Consider (357) analogizomai

Consider (357) (analogizomai from aná = again - idea of repetition + logizomai [see study] = reckon, think) means to think, reckon, count up or reason with thoroughness and completeness and so to think out carefully, reason thoroughly and with careful deliberation, consider accurately and distinctly... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Endured (2594) kartereo

He endured (2594) (kartereo which some sources state originates from kratos = and others say karteros = strength) means to be strong, to be steadfast, to continue in a state without wavering. TDNT says kartereo This word has the two senses a. “to be strong” and b. “to endure steadfastly.” BDAG comme... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Faint (Lose heart, grow weary) (1590) ekluo

Lose heart (1590) (ekluo from ek = out or intensifier + luo = to loose) means literally to loosen out and to to untie, to dissolve, to release. To be unstrung. To relax effort. Figuratively ekluo means to give up. To be without strength (Mt 15:32, Mark 8:3). Ekluo was used to describe reapers who ha... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gifts (1390) doma

Gifts (1390) (doma from didomi) is a word that means present or gift but which lends greater emphasis to the character of the gift. For example, in secular Greek doma was used of a thing given, as in a medical dose. Doma can mean a gift as such without any benefit necessarily derived from it. Vine e... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Giving thanks (2168) eucharisteo

Giving thanks (2168) (eucharisteo from eucháristos = thankful, grateful, well-pleasing - Indicates the obligation of being thankful to someone for a favor done <> in turn from eú = well + charízomai = to grant, give.; English - Eucharist) means to show that one is under obligation by being thankful.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gospel (2098) euaggelion

Gospel (2098) (euaggelion from eú = good + aggéllo = proclaim, tell) is literally good news or glad tidings. Spurgeon's Sermons on Gospel... 1 Timothy 1:15 The Glorious Gospel Proverbs 25:25 Good News Acts 13:49 Gospel Missions 1Corinthians 9:16 Preach the Gospel 1Thessalonians 1:5 Degrees of Power ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Know (make known) (1107) gnorizo

To make known (1107) (gnorizo from ginosko = acquire information by whatever means but often with the implication of personal involvement or experience) means to cause information to be known by someone (make known, reveal, point out, explain, cause information to be known by someone), communicating... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Mind (3540) noema

Minds (3540) (noema from noéo = perceive in turn from noús = mind) is literally the result of the activity of the "nous" or mind, that part of man which thinks. Noema means that which is thought (a thought), perceived with the mind (a mental perception), understood, pondered, or considered. Noema - ... Read More

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