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Greek Word Studies

Sin (noun) (266) hamartia

Sin (266) (hamartia) literally conveys the idea of missing the mark as when hunting with a bow and arrow (in Homer some hundred times of a warrior hurling his spear but missing his foe). Later hamartia came to mean missing or falling short of any goal, standard, or purpose. Hamartia in the Bible sig... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sinned (verb) (264) hamartano

Sinned (264) (hamartano) literally means to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize). Hamartano means to act contrary to the will and law of God. To commit a wrong. To be in error. Hamartano means to err (err is from Latin errare = to wander or to stray!) which means to wander from the right wa... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma

Transgression (3900) (paraptoma from para = aside + pipto = fall) is literally a falling aside or beside to stumble on something (so as to loose footing) and in its figurative ethical usage (all uses in the NT) it describes a "false step", a violation of moral standards or a deviation from living ac... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Vindicated (1344) dikaioo

Being justified (1344) (dikaioo from dike = right, expected behavior or conformity, not according to one’s own standard, but according to an imposed standard with prescribed punishment for nonconformity) (Click for more discussion of dikaioo) primarily means to deem to be right. Dikaioo describes th... Read More
Horatius Bonar

Rev. 1:5-6. The Chief Among Ten Thousand

Horatius Bonar"Unto Him who loves us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever! Amen."—Revelation 1:5-6 Suddenly and abruptly does this doxology break in. The first and third persons of the Godhead are, i... Read More
John Wesley

The Way Back to God

John WesleyThe sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Psalm 51:17 The way back to God has always been and still is, through sacrifice. What can we bring as a sacrifice to our God who in Christ sacrificed Himself for us? In the context of the times when ... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Parable of the Lost Son Luke 15:11–24

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. The Nature of Sin, vv. 11–13 Wherein does this parable resemble the two that precede? What is the chief point of difference between this and those? Who were Christ’s hearers? (vv. 1, 2.) What was His purpose in uttering it? Who is represented by the father? Is the figure a ... Read More
R.A. Torrey

The Syrophoenician Woman Matthew 15:21–28

R.A. Torrey(Compare Mark 7:24–30) DISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Faith Seeking a Blessing, vv. 21, 22 Where is the scene of this miracle laid? For what purpose did our Lord depart to those parts? (12:15; 14:3; 15:12.) Did He desire to have His presence in those parts known? (Mark 7:24.) Why did it become known? Can... Read More
Samuel Logan Brengle

Soul Winning

Samuel Logan BrengleSamuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890’s. He was mightily used of the Lord even more so by his many books. They were chiefly written during a convalescence following being badly injured while street preaching. This is the ... Read More
Theodore Epp

Getting Right With God

Theodore EppPsalm 51:1-17 David asked God to create in him a clean heart (see Ps. 51:10). With regard to the unbeliever, this would be a matter of regeneration, but for the Christian it involves renewal and restoration. David said, "Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me" (v. 1... Read More

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