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Greek Word Studies

Administration (3622) oikonomia

Administration (3622) (oikonomia from oíkos = house + némo = manage, distribute) (Click study of related word oikonomos) in secular Greek referred literally to the management of a household by the oikonomos, the steward manages a house and is accountable to the owner (which even involved a presentat... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Adorn (2885) kosmeo

Adorn ("to ornament") (2885) (kosmeo from kosmos = adorning or order, ornament, decoration, adornment -- this root word gives us our English cosmetic something women use to "adorn" their face and make themselves more physically attractive) speaks of that which is to put in order. To make congruous, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Antichrist (500) (antichristos)

Antichrist (500)(antichristos from anti = instead of or against + Christos = anointed) conveys one of two main meanings depending on how one interprets the prefix "anti." Anti can mean in lieu of, in place of, over against, opposite, instead of, and in comparisons it denotes contrast, substitution. ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Behold (2400) idou

Passed away (3928)(parerchomai from para = beside, near + erchomai = come, go) means to pass near, pass by or pass away and is used in both a literal and figurative sense, with the figurative uses predominating in the NT. Parerchomai describes literal passing by, passing through (LXX - Nu 20:17, 19,... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Burn (2618) katakaio

Burned up (2618) (katakaio from kata = intensifies meaning of verb + kaio = to burn) means to burn up, to consume or destroy by fire. The word denotes a violent consuming heat. It means to burn utterly as of chaff (Mt 3:17, Lk 3:17), tares (Mt 13:30,40), magic paraphernalia after citizens of Ephesus... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dispensation (3622) oikonomia

Administration (3622) (oikonomia from oíkos = house + némo = manage, distribute) (Click study of related word oikonomos) in secular Greek referred literally to the management of a household by the oikonomos, the steward manages a house and is accountable to the owner (which even involved a presentat... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dogs (2965) kuon

Dogs (2965) (kuon) (See dictionary articles) in the ancient word dogs here were mangy, flea-bitten, vicious, starved scavengers, that tended to run in packs, dig through garbage and occasionally even attack humans. The poet Homer uses it of men and women, implying recklessness in the former, and sha... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dwell (1981) episkenoo

Dwell (1981) (episkenoo from epi = upon + skenoo = pitch a tent, dwell, spread tabernacle - 5x - Jn 1:14, Re 7:15-note, Re 12:12-note, Re 13:6-note, Re 21:3-note, skenos = tent - 2Co 5:1, 4 skene = tent, 20x, eg, Mt 17:4, He 8:2-note, He 9:11-note, Re 21:3-note) literally means to fix a tent upon or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dwell (Dwelt, Spread Tabernacle) (4637) (skenoo from skenos = tent, abode)

Dwell (Dwelt, Spread Tabernacle) (4637) (skenoo from skenos = tent, abode) means to dwell literally in a tent, to reside, to take up one's residence, to pitch one's tent, encamp, to live in a tent (as God did in the Tabernacle of old, a symbol of protection and communion). In Revelation skenoo descr... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Filthiness (4507) rhuparia

Filthiness (4507) (rhuparia from rhuparós = dirty, filthy) literally means dirt or filth (used to describe dirty garments), but is clearly used metaphorically by James to denote moral uncleanness or impurity. Sordid avarice. State of moral corruption (vulgarity). Plutarch used rhuparia (like our wor... Read More

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