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Greek Word Studies

Sinners (268) hamartolos

Sinners (268) (hamartolos from hamartáno = deviate, miss the mark which some lexicons say is from a = negative + meiromai = attain -- not to attain, not to arrive at the goal) is an adjective (e.g., "that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful" - see Ro 7:13 -note) that is often use... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Stand by (3936) paristemi

Present (3936) (paristemi from para = near, beside + histemi = place, set) literally means to place or set beside or near and hence to place at someone's disposal. Paristemi means to present oneself for service or to put at the service of (sometimes translated "help" Ro 16:2-note) Paristemi is used ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Swift (3691) oxus

Swift (3691) (oxús) had two basic meanings. Oxus refers to a keen edge for cutting, and thus meaning sharp, all of the NT uses with this meaning being in the book of the Revelation. As used in the present verse, oxus pertains to that which is rapid in motion. Quick, meaning a very short period of ti... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Tarry (1961) epimeno

Continue (1961) (epimeno from epí = upon, in or at + méno = abide, endure, continue, stay or remain > epí intensifies the meaning and so this word is a strengthened form of méno and gives the force of adherence to and persistence in what is referred to) means literally to tarry, to stay at or with, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Test (1381) dokimazo

Tested (1381) (dokimazo from dokimos = tested, proved or approved, tried as metals by fire and thus purified from dechomai = to accept, receive) means to assay, to test, to prove, to put to the test, to make a trial of, to verify, to discern to approve. Dokimazo involves not only testing but determi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma

Transgression (3900) (paraptoma from para = aside + pipto = fall) is literally a falling aside or beside to stumble on something (so as to loose footing) and in its figurative ethical usage (all uses in the NT) it describes a "false step", a violation of moral standards or a deviation from living ac... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Tribulation (2347) thlipsis

Tribulation (2347) (thlipsis from thlibo = to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze in turn derived from thláo = to break) originally expressed sheer, physical pressure on a man. Thlipsis is a strong term which does not refer to minor inconveniences, but to real hardships. Medical... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Ungodliness, ungodly (763) asebeia

Ungodliness (763) (asebeia from a = w/o + sébomai = worship, venerate) means want or lack of reverence or piety toward God (which speaks of one's heart attitude) speaks of a want of reverence and as used in the NT describes those living without regard for God. They conduct themselves in such a way a... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Ungodly (765) asebes

Ungodly (765) (asebes from a = w/o + sébomai = worship, venerate) means lack of interest in the things of God and a behavior and lifestyle consistent with such an irreverent attitude. See the depth study of the related word ungodliness (asebeia [word study]). It pertains to violating norms for a pro... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Utterances (3051) logion

Oracles (3051) (logion from lógios = an orator) was a saying, a pronouncement, a declaration. In Classical Greek logion was used to describe oracular utterances of heathen deities. See related study on graphe - Scriptures Harper's Bible Dictionary notes that an oracle was... a message from a god, us... Read More

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