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A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkTHE DOCTRINE OF REVELATION Chapter 13 THE HOLY BIBLE MORE UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS—2. 8. Its conciseness. Here is yet another remarkable feature which distinguishes the Bible from other books: though it be the most comprehensive of all, yet the most compact. Though it contains a complete library, havi... Read More
Chuck Smith

Through the Bible - Genesis 47-50

Chuck SmithShall we turn in our Bibles now to the forty-seventh chapter of Genesis? Joseph has been sold by his brothers as a slave to the traders going to Egypt. In Egypt he is resold and purchased by a man named Potiphar who was the chief captain of the Pharaoh's guard. God prospered him and blessed him in P... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

Forgiveness, the Ultimate Cure (Part 2)

K.P. YohannanThe following incident took place 1,730 years before Christ. The life of Joseph is described in Genesis 37-50. This young man underwent a lot of pain even when it wasn’t his fault. He was blameless in his words, thoughts and actions. He sincerely loved his siblings. Without questioning his parents, ... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

The Beauty that Comes

K.P. YohannanIn the ancient town of Bethany there lived a woman, whose story we read in Mark 14:3–9. One evening she traveled to the house of Simon the leper, because she had heard that Jesus was there. She came seeking to do one thing—to pour out her costly perfume to Jesus. “A woman came having an alabaster fl... Read More
John Gifford Bellett

The Church at Thessalonica

We easily perceive different measures of attainment, both in knowledge and grace, in the churches of old. The elevation, for instance, of that at Ephesus was much above that at Corinth. At Corinth the apostle had to occupy himself with the corruption of various errors and abuses, and was thus hinder... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Bought with a price (buy, purchase) (59) agorazo

Bought with a price (59) (agorazo from agora = the market place, place of public assembly, town square where things such as slaves were presented for sale or where trials were held) literally means to buy in the marketplace, doing business in the agora (Mt 13:44), acquiring something (goods or servi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gifts (1390) doma

Gifts (1390) (doma from didomi) is a word that means present or gift but which lends greater emphasis to the character of the gift. For example, in secular Greek doma was used of a thing given, as in a medical dose. Doma can mean a gift as such without any benefit necessarily derived from it. Vine e... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Grace (favor) (5485) charis

Grace (5485) (charis from from chairo = to rejoice. English = charity. Beggars need "charity" even as sinners need grace, for we are all spiritual paupers outside of Christ, but "God gives where he finds empty hands"-Augustine [cp Mt 5:3-note]) is a word which defies a simple definition but at its c... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Grow (837) auxano

Increasing (837)(auxano) means to cause to grow or cause to become greater in extent, size, state, or quality and in the current verse pictures the believer's continual (present tense) spiritual growth (note passive voice = saint is acted upon by God's Spirit Who produces the growth) "in (the sphere... Read More

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