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Ron Bailey

Abraham, My Friend_41

Ron Baileywait I say on the Lord Our previous devotional found Abraham ‘waiting upon’ his visitors. His waiting upon God was not ‘in order that’… There was no secret ambition in his service; it was simply the instinct of his life. He was not trying to gain God’s attention to spring some long hidden request, b... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

68 - A Plain Vision for Coming Persecution by brother Brian

Principles For The Gathering Of Believers[Editor’s Note: It is time to be utterly astounded as God spoke to the prophet Habakuk. Brother Brian gives a clear clarion call to God’s Remnant in many Churches and Assemblies. The message concludes with 3 distinct challenges for believers: 1) To reread the Book of Acts in a single sitting if poss... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Bother (2873) kopos

Labor (2873) (kopos from kopto = chop, hew, cut down, strike; figuratively to lament which apparently came from the idea of striking one's breast) (See also study of related verb kopiao) is strictly a smiting as a sign of sorrow, then sorrow itself. Kopos thus describes a state of discomfort or dist... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Jesus’ Last Appearance to His Disciples in Jerusalem, and His Ascension from Bethany Luke 24:44–53

R.A. Torrey(Compare Mark 16:19, 20; Acts 1:1–14) DISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Jesus’ Last Conversation with His Disciples in Jerusalem, vv. 44–49 Of what two things did Jesus say the events which had occurred were a fulfillment? Why did He say, “While I was yet with you”? Was He not “with them” still? Will He eve... Read More
J.G. Bellet


We must begin with God, as sinners, on the principle of faith, and go on with Him to the end, as saints, on the same principle. "The just shall live by faith." (See Rom. 1: 17; Gal. 3: 11; Heb. 10: 38; taken from Hab. 2: 4.) This prophecy of Habakkuk has great moral value for us. But besides this, i... Read More
Peter Hammond


Peter Hammond"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14 Habakkuk is of great relevance to us today. It deals with difficult questions: Why do the innocent suffer? Why do the guilty go free? Why doesn't God punish the wicked? How can a Ho... Read More
William Kelly

The Second Advent Before, not After, the Millennium.

Scripture is not only the mine, but the standard, of truth. Error cannot stand before the inspired word. Not that the believer is competent of himself either to draw out or to apply aright; our sufficiency is from God, Who also made us sufficient, says the apostle, as ministers of a new covenant, no... Read More
William Nicholson

Fears Dispelled!

Fears Dispelled! William Nicholson, 1862 " Do not be afraid , O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you, declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel!" Isaiah 41:14 Vast is the difference between God and man. God is so glorious that nothing human can fully represent his i... Read More

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