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A.W. Pink

Receiving Divine Chastisement

A.W. Pink"My Son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him" (HEBREWS 12:5). Not all chastisement is sanctified to the recipients of it. Some are hardened thereby; others are crushed beneath it. Much depends on the spirit in which afflictions are received. There is no ... Read More
Anne Ortlund

Fix your eyes on Jesus when you struggle financially

Our family has lived for several months at a time here and there overseas. Before we went the first time, we thought that Americans are worldly and materialistic because they have so much. Then we discovered that Christians overseas can be worldly and materialistic even though they have little. Thei... Read More
Iain Murray

Hope for Zion

Iain Murray“Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach” (Neh. 2:17, KJV). In the year 586 B.C., Jerusalem had been laid in ruins by Nebuchadnezzar--her people exiled, h... Read More
David Wilkerson


David WilkersonGod blesses those who walk in faithfulness and He shows favor to those who favor Him! How do nations, families, individuals lose the blessing and favor of God? The prophet Haggai speaks to this, and the first reason he lists is that self-interests begin to replace God’s interests! “The time has not ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Almighty (3841) pantokrator

Almighty (3841) (pantokrator from pás = all + kratos = strength or might, especially manifested power, the power to rule or control) is literally the ruler over all or the One Who controls all things and Who has power over everything. The One in total control! Pantokrator thus describes God’s sovere... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Covetousness (4124) pleonexia

Greed (4124) (pleonexia from pleíon = more + écho = have) means literally to have more and describes a strong desire to acquire more and more material possessions, especially that which is forbidden. It is a desire to have more irrespective of one's need and is always used in bad sense. It describes... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Greed (4124) pleonexia

Greed (4124) (pleonexia from pleíon = more + écho = have) means literally to have more and describes a strong desire to acquire more and more material possessions, especially that which is forbidden. It is a desire to have more irrespective of one's need and is always used in bad sense. It describes... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lovers of pleasure (5369) philedonos

Lovers of pleasure (5369) (philedonos from phílos = friend or loving + hedone = pleasure from hedos = delight, enjoyment and the related verb hedomai = to have sensual pleasure). Hedone gives us our English word hedonism which is the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in l... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Prophet (4396) (prophetes)

Prophet (4396)(prophetes from próphemi = literally to tell beforehand in turn from pró = before, in front of, forth, on behalf of + phemí = speak, tell) is primarily a forth-teller or one who speaks out God's message, primarily to their own generation, usually always calling the people to God's trut... Read More
Denis Lyle

Rivers of blessing

Reading: 2 Kings 3:1-27 RIVERS OF BLESSING In 1949 on the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, on the northwest coast of Scotland... a small band of believers were so burdened for an awakening on their island that they met for prayer two or three nights a week in an old barn outside their village. Night... Read More

Group of Brands