Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Stephen Boreland


Across the western world there has been a marked increase in interest concerning Halloween. An American publication, "Advertising Age", observed, "its enough to give Santa a scare". The article revealed that in the United States the second most popular event for marketing activity behind Christmas w... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Defiled (3392) miaino

Defiled (3392) (miaino cf miasmos = the state of being tainted, polluted, corrupted, defiled or stained by) means literally to dye with another color. Figuratively miaino describes a mind and conscience that is morally contaminated, corrupted, tainted, tinged and polluted. In a ceremonial or cultic ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Elders (4245) presbuteros

Elders (4245) (presbuteros the comparative form of présbus = an old man or an ambassador) (Click Vine's discussion) referred to men who were older or more senior with no negative connotations but rather a sense of venerability. Presbuteros is transliterated into English as “presbyter” (a leader in o... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Encourage (exhort, comfort, implore) (3870) parakaleo

Implore (3870) (parakaleo from para = side of, alongside, beside + kaleo [ word study] = call) means literally to call one alongside, to call someone to oneself, to call for, to summon. Parakaleo can include the idea of giving help or aid but the primary sense in the NT is to urge someone to take so... Read More
J.G. Bellet

An Introduction to Isaiah

In reading Matt. 1, 2, we learn, among other things, how the word of prophecy ought to be used; but we see also, how the carnal intellect treats it; and thus it furnishes a sound and healthful word to us, when we set ourselves down for a meditation on the prophetic Scriptures; for we are both guided... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Idols (1497) eidolon

Idols (1497) (eidoeidolon from eídos = that which is seen, what is visible, figure, appearance) is primarily a phantom, form, image, shadow or likeness. Eidolon is found 11 times in the NAS (Acts 7:41; 15:20; Rom. 2:22; 1 Co. 8:4, 7; 10:19; 12:2; 2 Co. 6:16; 1 Thess. 1:9; 1 Jn. 5:21; Rev. 9:20) most... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Provoke (3947) paroxuno

Provoked (3947) (paroxuno from pará = at point of, implying movement toward a certain point + oxúno = sharpen, incite, irritate) means to sharpen (this literal meaning is found in Lxx of Dt 32:41). This Greek verb gives us our English word paroxysm which is defined as a fit, attack, or sudden increa... Read More
Bob Hoekstra

"Unpopular" Promises Regarding Pride and Humility

Whoever exalts himself will be abased, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12) In returning to our category of "unpopular" promises, we now consider a pair that contrasts pride and humility. Basically, these promises guarantee grievous results for those who chose the path of prid... Read More
William Kelly

The Jews in relation to the Coming of the Lord.

Lecture 2 of 'The Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our Saviour's words seem to me to be clear and conclusive. They meet a notion that prevails too largely even among the children of God — the notion that God has done with the Jew as such; that there is no longer a hope... Read More

Group of Brands