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D.L. Moody

The Ten Commandments

D.L. MoodyThe Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:3-17 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,... Read More
Walter Beuttler

Study Notes - Satan

Walter BeuttlerA. ORIGIN OF SATAN 1. What light is shed on the origin of Satan in: (1) Isa. 14:12? That prior to his fall he was called “Lucifer” (“day star”) and “son of the morning,” probably because he was the beginning of God’s creation. (2) Ezek. 28:15? That he is a created being and as such does not possess ... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Thomas Reade


49. ON THE DANGER OF RICHES There is a beautiful harmony in the doctrines and precepts of Scripture, whether promulgated under the Patriarchal, Mosaic, or Christian dispensation, which strikingly proves its divine origin. Every enlightened reader of the Bible will perceive a rich vein of truth runni... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Count (3049) logizomai

Consider (3049) (logizomai from lógos = reason, word, account) means to reckon, compute, calculate, to take into account, to deliberate, and to weigh. Logizomai refers to a process of careful study or reasoning which results in the arriving at a conclusion. Logizomai conveys the idea of calculating ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Covetousness (4124) pleonexia

Greed (4124) (pleonexia from pleíon = more + écho = have) means literally to have more and describes a strong desire to acquire more and more material possessions, especially that which is forbidden. It is a desire to have more irrespective of one's need and is always used in bad sense. It describes... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Greed (4124) pleonexia

Greed (4124) (pleonexia from pleíon = more + écho = have) means literally to have more and describes a strong desire to acquire more and more material possessions, especially that which is forbidden. It is a desire to have more irrespective of one's need and is always used in bad sense. It describes... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lawlessness (458) anomia

Lawlessness (458) (anomia) from a = negates what follows + nomos = law) literally describes that which is without the law and signifies, not merely the abstract idea, but disregard for, or actual breach of, the law of God. Anomia means “no law,” and emphasizes an attitude of disregard for the statut... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lie (do not lie...falsely) (5574) pseudomai

Do not lie (5574) (pseudomai from pseudo = to cheat, defraud, falsify) means to communicate what is false, with the evident purpose of misleading. The Greek term and the English equivalent ‘to lie’ involve more than simply telling what is not true, for this could occur without an intent to deceive o... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Reckon (3049) logizomai

Consider (3049) (logizomai from lógos = reason, word, account) means to reckon, compute, calculate, to take into account, to deliberate, and to weigh. Logizomai refers to a process of careful study or reasoning which results in the arriving at a conclusion. Logizomai conveys the idea of calculating ... Read More

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