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A.W. Pink

Prayer Sighs

A.W. PinkThe exercises of soul and pangs of heart find expression in sighs and sobs, in moans and groans, yet such as mere nature never produced. The word "sigh" has a much stronger force in its Scriptural usage than in our ordinary conversation, or we should say, in more modern speech, for three hundred yea... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Prophetic Scope of Matthew 24

A.W. PinkThe Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13 Chapter 9: THE PROPHETIC SCOPE OF MATTHEW 24. The prophetic discourse of Christ found in Matthew 24 and 25 was delivered by Him in private to a few of His disciples less than a week before the Crucifixion. He had left the Temple for the last time. His public mini... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Total Depravity of Man Chapter 12 COROLLARIES

A.W. PinkThe Total Depravity of Man Chapter 12 COROLLARIES In the introductory section we intimated that we would endeavor to show that our present subject is of immense doctrinal importance and of great practical value. In view of all that has been advanced in our subsequent discussion, that fact should be ... Read More
Chuck Smith

Leviticus 26

Chuck Smith"THE SURE WORD OF JEHOVAH" I. GOD'S PROMISE TO ISRAEL. A. Vs. 4 Plenty - increase and fruit. B. Vs. 6 Peace - lie down with no fear. C. Vs. 6 Protection - rid evil beast out of land. D. Vs. 7,8 Power - 5 will chase 100. E. Vs. 10 Provision - of old harvest last into new. F. Vs. 11,12 Privilege - Tab... Read More
Chuck Smith

Leviticus 26:3

Chuck Smith"GOD'S SURE WORD" Intro: Laws of nature in operation in universe. Gravity, magnetism, electricity, cause and effect. There are spiritual laws governing man, cause and effect are just as sure. I. THE CONDITIONS, "IF YE WALK IN MY STATUTES AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS AND DO THEM." A. "If" immediately see... Read More
Chuck Smith

Mark 13:1

Chuck SmithLord Of Glory I. The magnificent temple, "What manner of stones and what buildings are here." A. Herod the great was a superb builder, all over Israel you can today see the ruins of the great and elaborate buildings that were built during his reign. 1. The winter palaces of Jericho and Masada. 2. Th... Read More
Chuck Smith

The Rapture!

Chuck SmithDeath to the Christian is so different than to the non-Christian that it's incorrect even to use the same term. For the Christian death is really a transition. Paul said, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; whi... Read More
J.C. Ryle

Warnings To the Churches - Idolatry

J.C. Ryle"Flee from idolatry" (1 Corinthians 10:14) Our text for today may seem at first to be hardly needed in our country. In an age of education and intelligence, we might almost fancy it is waste of time to tell us to "flee from idolatry." I am bold to say that this is a great mistake. I believe that we ... Read More
John Gill

Concerning the Ascension of the Messiah to Heaven.

John GillThe Prophecies Respecting the Messiah CHAPTER XII. Concerning the Ascension of the Messiah to Heaven, his session at God’s right hand, and second coming to judgment. That the Messiah was to suffer death, and rise again from the dead, according to the prophecies of the Old Testament, I have endeavore... Read More
John Gill

Of Public Prayer.

John GillA Body of PRACTICAL Divinity Book 3—Chapter 5 OF PUBLIC PRAYER Prayer is one part of the saints’ spiritual armour, and a principal one, though mentioned last (Eph. 6:18), it has been often of use against temporal enemies, and for obtaining victory over them; as the prayers of Asa, Jehoshaphat, and o... Read More

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