We are blessed to be in Canada and there are three purposes why I put-up this channel and they are all connected to my Catholic faith, love for family, love for neighbors and love for God. 1) Love for Family - I created the playlist "Family Vlog" to chronicle the significant events that happens within my Family so that in the future my kids can watch these videos and reminisce. 2) Love for Neighbor - I created the playlist "Tips and Advices sa Canada" to share my experience on how we came to Canada, hopefully bringing inspiration to others who happen to watch those videos. 3) Love for God - I created the playlist "Know your Catholic Faith" to share my Catholic faith . Coming to Canada made me a devout Catholic and I want to share the Catholic faith in a simple yet easy to understand manner, hopefully bringing inspiration to others to re-discover the church that Jesus founded, the Catholic Church. Join us as we chronicle our Canadian experience in this vlog. Thanks!