Examining the Scriptures Daily Welcome to Doctrine Forensics where we take a biblical view point on examining the teaching of various, pastors, teachers, preachers, evangelist and so-called Prophets and Apostles. Our mission is to help true believers in Christ avoid doctrinal error and false christian theological teachings. Our channel is about help believers in Jesus Christ escape false doctrine. We are former pastors, ministers, and musicians who DO NOT hold a position any longer in today's evangelical churches, we have all left the pulpit to pursue God with no agenda. We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and not one comes to the Father except through him. If you are looking for a unbiased biblical commentary and discussion that are bible based then you are at right place, we have no favorite nor do we minster along any denominational lines. If this sounds like something beneficial to you please subscribe to our channel!