PlantsofPeacebyErica is an Online Trademark Business created by Erica that was inspired from faith, Love & walking in the spirit. Our YouTube channel was created to inform/ enlighten our Customers & Clientele on the facts about our foundation products & services. We are not a Nonprofit Organization, we only believe in helping to support them when we are able. We thank all viewers, customers and clientele for your purchases & interests. Inquiries & questions can be sent to: NextDoor: PlantsofPeacebyErica We're also on: Poshmark & Offer Up While Keeping our faith in Jesus Christ & withholding his love in our hearts keeps us tied together in his truth & word. As a small family owned business love is what bonds us together and knowing that we were given his spirit helps us to continue to stand firm in our faith while embracing his daily blessings in Unity. There's Power in Praise w/continual Prayer & Worship. A Living Witness's Testimony. God Bless us All