For learners of Torah wherever you are! I hope my channel helps you to read, chant and love Judaism, especially the Torah. I graduated from, and was ordained a Rabbi by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio in 2007. I am a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and a Board Certified Chaplain under the auspices of Neshama: the Association of Jewish Chaplains. In addition to my full-time pulpit, Congregation Beth Shalom, Indy, I serve as a DSC (Disaster Spiritual Care provider) with the American Red Cross. I've served as UGA Hillel Director, Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, St. Louis, and as a health care chaplain in a wide variety of settings, including SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis, MO, a level 1 pediatric trauma center. Thanks for subscribing and 'liking' my videos. I hope they are helpful to you. L'shalom, Justin