David Michael Curtis (1974-Present) was born in Roseburg, Oregon. Became a Christian at age 19 in 1993. Over the next 7 years he wore out the bindings of 11 KJV Bibles. Using his own money, he conducted his first evangelistic crusade in 1999. Taught the Bible on the radio 5 days a week on K.O.R.E. Springfield OR (2000-2002). Sold KJV Bibles and children's character building books door to door in Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, Kansas, Georgia, Tennessee and New York (1999-2007). Was a volunteer chaplain for a maximum security prison in Northern California (2005-2007). Has owned / managed various Christian websites since 2001. Over the years he has served the church as an elder, new believers class teacher, and vacation Bible school teacher.