BE SURE TO CHECK MY PLAYLISTS FROM RESPECTED SOURCES!! Alleluia and welcome! Our most merciful, all powerful God, has possibly led you to this; the Glory channel! Please feel obliged to distribute the many Bible based teaching videos, from many excellent and trusted sources and others, around the world; to bring Glory to God and for sinners to be saved in Christ alone. Alleluia! I pray that this humble channel will be a place, where Jesus Christ may be Glorified and the truth of His word and His incredible Love for us, may be shared and rejoiced over. All are welcome and my desire is, that those who are still DEAD IN SINS and trespass, may; by Gods awesome providence, come to salvation Biblically. -By Grace alone, through Faith alone, In Christ alone, On the authority of the preserved Scriptures alone, to the Glory of God alone. amen. Alleluia! Please fell free to favourite, comment, rate and subscribe.