Shalom GOD's People. My name is Candida. Welcome to my channel - GOD is LOVE Daily Devotional, under Keep it JESUS Always! Ministries. This platform will encourage & motivate you to connect with GOD daily through interaction with the HOLY Scriptures. Reading the WORD of GOD & meditating on it day & night so that you may be careful to to do EVERYTHING written in it. Then you will be prosperous & successful as you Grow in CHRIST - Joshua 1:8 & Psalm 119:105 I firmly believe your BEST day always begins with the LORD JESUS. Purpose to Create TIME to fellowship with the LORD. Through TIME spent with GOD, we grow closer to knowing who HE is. JESUS is our PERFECT example. HE spent time alone with GOD despite HIS busy schedule - Luke 5:15-16. Though HE was the Son of GOD & was indeed GOD - John 10:30. If JESUS could cultivate & sustain this discipline. Nobody has any excuse not to do so. For HE is our LORD, Savior, Master & KING. JESUS is the WAY, the TRUTH & the LIFE - John 14:6 & Acts 4:12.