Welcome to The Narrow Gate channel. The purpose of this resource is to give glory to God, and to help us in becoming sanctified and conformed to the image of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray that any knowledge obtained through the resources✴ provided will help us to grow and mature in wisdom and truth, to equip us in furthering God's Kingdom, to walking in obedience, and most importantly, that we will love God and others. Peace to all who visit this site. May you know Him. ✴I am not any of, or connected to, the teachers/preachers/pastors/philosophers/theologians featured on this channel, videos uploaded and within playlists created are either mirrored or added from other sources. My channel is not monetized, mirrored videos are used to help share their message. I do not agree with every theological view from every teacher shown here. Teachers you enjoy, use the links provided from their own websites for further content, or to contact them.✴ Thank you, - Matt ✞