Hi, my name is Morgan. I live up on a hill two hours north of Seattle, Washington, USA. In 2015, I attempted suicide. I drove my car into a telephone pole at between 70 and 80 miles per hour. I received a dislocated hip, a broken pelvic bone, a shattered ankle, and a million other things. After the operation, I was found to have a large stroke. My right side was limp and I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t even remember those first few days. I was remembering my life as a toddler. Recently, I decided to make some videos documenting our garden. Here you'll see my journey. My new garden is "gravely loam" (NRCS/USDA). Here's the link so you can find yours! https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx